Hi everyone! Am being a bit sneaky by using my works computer as i still have no access at home due to the move.
Lisa your pics look great and from reading your journal you seem to have had a fantastic time. Save some fun for me. This time next week - it has gone so fast! It's going to be great to see you again x.
Jacky & Steve, i am so excited now, my nerves have almost completely gone. You two should come over sometime and see the new house, and have you met Ruby yet? - Our puppy. Hopefully your minds will be a little more at rest knowing Lisa won't be alone in LA, we can look after each other.
I am all ready to go now Lis it's just the waiting part now. See you soon hun xxxxx
Thanks Maz for the vote of confidence... Lets try and forget the name cheeseburger eddie! My mate Dave when ever he texts me he actually starts with alright Eddie, It was funny... for a while! I've still not had an ice cream or starbucks but so tempted and to be honest i don't think it's that good a thing coz i just have something else instead!!
I miss Burtie! Have you saved enough for another car yet?? :-)
Chris, it's Luton- just so everyone knows where you mean. Would be good if you did come over to England 2008! I'll give you a call tonight!
Kerry, yeah i speak to you too much!! Jokes. ;-)
lis!! how are u girly?hope ur havn loads of fun..Kerry and i are still trying to work out these fotos.haha..i think i have done it correctly this time kerry...so let me know..hear from you soon lis...take care everyone.xx
Hi Chris! I sent you an e-mail the other day not sure if you got it! If you get the time please can you try sending them to [email protected] Thanks very much!!!
Lisa! (thought id better mention you!) Not a lot to say really as i only called you yesterday!! Still miss you though!!! xxx
Chris (That Australian Guy)
hey everyone, thankyou Mr and Mrs Warne, that would be lovely when i finally get the chance to come to England..i hear alot about it from Lisa and the tradesman i work with, his name is Steve Darcy and was a plumber in Luden for 24 years.. Kerry!!! ive been trying my little heart out to send you those photos that lisa told me you were after and it is saying that email is incorrect...i am not all that great with computers but is there anything else i can do? Lisa, how are you girly? i really hope that you are ebjoying yourself in Hawaii and that tan of yours is going to out do mine soon... i didn't really get a chance to party with you, but hopefully sometime in the future i will...miss you lots lis,see soon, speak sooner.xx
hey cheeseburger eddie!! right so this deal lisa come on you can easily go 10 days without coffee and ice cream coz you can still have maccyDs!! you can just have 4 burgers a day to make up for the ice cream your missing out on! well you know that would be my plan!hee! Not long till you meet dawn now lisa i'll be making sure she gives you a HUGH hug from me!! so that means is it like only just over 3 weeks til you come back home?!? little burtie is still here waiting to see you when you get back! Miss you loads lisa xxxxxxx
Hmmm Naughty Lisa! What did you do this time?!?! Another gold star for Kerry!
I know! I couldn't (still cant) believe it!!! 60p for a rum and coke!
Do you know that probably ever third car is a limo over here and it qwould cost the same to get a limo as to get a taxi?! So strange ! And they give you pineapple (like the best i've ever tasted) with Mac Donalds! amazing. My new thing girls if i don't have a starbucks a day and no ice cream for the rest of my stay i'm allowed to buy this gorg pair of Guess jeans and a DKNY jumper which would come to the same amount! BUt i'm only allowed to buy them if i don't get the coffee and ice cream... It's only ten days! I can do it! surely... Ha!
Anyway went a bit off subject there! I'd gladly give you the money to come over... If i had it!
MIss you both very much!! Will see you soooo soon though! Looking forward to our big night out!
Lisa H & Kerry
Hi there!!! We thought we would write a joint msg as we are both always talking about you whilst at work and missing you! Lisas in trouble at work AGAIN!!! Naughty girl!! and as always kerrys being as good as gold!! GEEK!!! its been raining all day its cold and we want to come to hawaii! we were just wondering if you could send us some money for the airfair??? Hello to Chris if you read this you sound like a very nice boy!! When you come home we have decided we are having a very big night out! (you will have to bring the rum though as its soo cheap!!)
Missing you lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots!!!! xxxxx
Jacky And Steve
Thankyou Chris for looking after Lisa and making her stay in Australia a time to remember and for making her very welcome it sounds like you both had a great time this note is just to say you are welcome to stay if you ever come over to Englnd.
Hi Lisa glad you are enjoying Hawaii get plenty of sun because there isnt any back here. I bet your looking forward to seeing Dawn.
Hi Dawn give Lisa a big hug from me and her dad hope you like it in LA have a safe journey and dont worry you will be ok.
Bye for now
Mum xx
Hi Bear!!! How gutted was i when you text to say you were sitting on the beach in hawaii whilst i was sitting in........ HOTSHOTS!!!! Yep thats right we stepped back in time! It was quite good infact it made a nice change, although i must say i missed you and kate very much, there was no danceing on stage for me!! Pearl harbor sounds fab you lucky thing!! Make sure you keep putting on the suncream drink lots of water and eat lots of nice food! Takeaway mexican yum yum!!! as soon as ive worked out the time difference ill call!!
Miss and love you very much counting down the days now bear
Matt: Thanks for the msg Matt! Good to hear from you on here! Missing you muchly! You've gotta go to Aus you will absolutely love it!! xx
Dan: Yeah i can't believe i met harold! Crazy huh!
Glad your all on the mend! I don't know why old ppl insist on dancing but what i will say is they are probably better than me! ha!
Not long till i'm home now so we will have to arrange another night out! xx
Well done for spotting your mistake Chris it's been 8 days! And flattery will get you everywhere you know! Now if i had known you were gonna put about me being a pig for lasagne i would have said that it was rude, like a swear word in England.
Thanks so much for letting me hang out with you and your family on my last day and for taking me to the airport and for sitting with me for ages! I'll email you seperately. Oh and i know why your asking that it's coz it's in the pasta section isn't it? It's potato. ha!xx