Monday 8th February.
I was up at 07:30 to check in as we were too late to do it last night. We decided to have a morning by the pool and chill out in the sun which was finally out. As we were a bit out of the way we caught the free shuttle bus that the hostel organise, down to the centre in the afternoon and strolled down to the beach. We wanted to walk to Bustard bay to watch the sunset but realised it was too far to walk to, so we lay on the beach and watched some men playing football and I read my book. We spotted a cute little dog jumping around by the sea and it came running over to us. We got talking to his owner Harry who told us the dog was called buster. He was telling us his daughter had just come back from travelling too, and was chatting away to us for a while. The lifeguard drove passed as it was the end of his shift and stopped to say hello to Harry and Buster, who were probably the only locals on the beach. Harry offered to drive us up to the bay so we could see the views. I was really sceptical at first and declined his offer but Kirsty seemed more willing. This just sums us both up really, although we are sisters I am a lot more suspicious and wary of people I don't know where as my sister is a lot more trusting, and actually naive to some situations. He asked again and said he was only being friendly and it wasn't anything dodgy. Kirsty said we should go and I was still awkwardly trying to decline, but somehow ended up going along with them. I think I was more worried Kirsty would otherwise end up going on her own. She assured me he must be safe if he was friends with the lifeguard but I said they could just both be local kidnappers. Anyway once in car, I sat in the back and eyed up a hammer, just in case, haha. Kirsty got in the front with the dog and was acting like their best friend. I got straight on to what's app to my best friend at home and told her what we were doing and attempted to 'share my location'. Whilst I'm now writing this up I'm laughing at this, but at the time I was so worried that I wanted to make sure we were safe, after years of being told not to get in cars with strangers. Especially when they use sweets or puppies as bait! We went up to the bay and got out to see the views which were really pretty, then drove back down to the beach area and managed to see some wild kangaroos. We drove passed Joe who was in our car on Fraser Island. Harry then dropped us to the local Tavern where we were going for dinner. Although he was a really nice man and was actually genuine in the end, I still couldn't get out the car fast enough, and told Kirsty we were never doing that again! We had some really nice food and found Camembert on the menu which we love. The pool table was free so we played a few games of that and had a drink. It was then time to go and get the shuttle bus back to the hostel. As we were walking down there a huge bat flew out the tree passed us and we were screaming. There's just so many of them in Australia, they are horrible things. Once we finally got back on the shuttle we headed back to the hostel and called it a night.
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