Thursday 4th February
We got up early and checked out at 06:30 and got the mini bus to rainbow beach with 30 other people, who were heading to Fraser Island with us. When we got to Rainbow beach where we were picking the jeeps up from we got split in to groups of four. Three cars had 8 people in which were the people who were all going to be driving the jeeps, then the lead vehicle for the non drivers which was driven by our tour leader Gaz. Me and Kirsty were put in to 'car two' with 5 other British people and then Max from Belgium. The others were Vicky and Dave who are a couple, Adam (who we briefly met yesterday) Laura and Joe. We later renamed our car 'Hot to trot' instead of car two, after Dave made a joke about it on the car radio/walker talkies that we had to all speak to each other. We were told driving on the sand is like driving on a lot of wet snow so Dave volunteered to go first. However because he needed to stop at the shop down the road to get alcohol, he was then told to sit in the back to make it easier to jump out. No one else seemed keen to take over the driving so I took one for the team and hopped in the driver seat. The jeep is really big and the gear box was quite stiff, but I was more nervous about the fact there was seven other people in the car that I was responsible for; which we were also constantly being reminded about. We drove down on to the beach to get the ferry over to Fraser Island. It was the smallest ferry I had seen and I was now silently panicking I may accidentally miss the ferry and drive in to the sea. I followed Gaz on to the ferry and pulled up behind him on to a slope. I put the handbrake on and and the next thing I know I have Kirsty screaming at me that we are slowly rolling back off the ferry. I slammed the brakes on and then put it in gear as well. Close call haha. We were all laughing about this for the rest of the trip. Once on the Island, we drove to the Eurong resort where we were staying. It was just us staying there, but there was a swimming pool, a bar, a outdoor eating area and then rooms for four people which weren't the worst but weren't the cleanest of places. We dropped our bags and headed straight for Lake McKenzie. It was absolutely beautiful. The water was so clear. Gaz told us to use the sand to exfoliate as it is good for your hair and skin, so everyone was in the water covered in sand and messing around. We stayed here for a couple of hours but the sky had gone cloudy. We went back to the resort and were told to split in to groups of four. Me, Kirsty, Laura and Jon Jon (JJ) shared a room. JJ is from Finland, and had shared a dorm with us the night before in Noosa and had been out in KB's bar so we already knew him and knew he was a nice guy. He also liked getting rid of the bugs in the room and taking out the rubbish so he was a great room mate! We all got showered and changed and met back up for dinner. We had steak which Vicky and Dave helped make and then the rest of 'hot to trot' had to clean up after. Each car took it in turns to sort the meals out. We all had a few drinks and I played pool with Max, Joe and Paulina from Sweden, who was really funny. We played doubles and me and Max managed to win. Then we played a game of ring of fire which we entered in to half way through so couldn't really keep up. So we headed back to the pool table and a group of us decided to do a game of killer pool. Susy was trying to organise us all but Emil, Emil, Seb and Max from Sweden were trying to start playing and racking the balls on the table. Kirsty jumped up on the table backwards and sat across the table and told them no one was allowed to play until Susy said so! Haha. It was so funny, we all laughed, but the boys did as they were told of course. I surprisingly started off quite well and was one of the last few left but never made it to the end. By the time we finished playing I was ready to sleep. It had been a long but great day and I knew we were going to have a brilliant few days as a group.
- comments
Doreen Thomson Wow sounds like a wicked day! Good for you on the driving! What an experience ❤️Xxx