Nervous Turkey!
It was one of those days.
Char - Feeling fresh and active.
Matt - Feeling inside out, like a hammer was pounding his optic nerve every tenth second of the minute and clear acidic passage had arrived between his washing machine stomach/bowels to his burn mouth (from the steaming noodles he wolfed down, as a last attempt a sobering up).
We still managed to have breakfast but on Matt's terms. We had to order takeaway and be away from civilisation in case an event happened. We took up our usual spot on the beach where any chunder could be swiftly buried. For those who care he managed to keep all his meals down today. Even the raw burger and chips we ate at night. This meal was the result of that classic occurrence of trying to get to sleep and one of you says "I feel a bit hungry!". We all know it well. The next minute you are in KFC in your pjs or wandering the chocolate aisle at Asda or waiting for Dominoes to ring the doorbell or sat on the side of a road in Malaysia eating a questionable beef patty and fries that cost 60p.
The cloud had definitely lifted today as the hours flew by.
M & C xxxx
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