A family run was on the agenda for this morning as there were some strava segments to be done. The sun was very hot by 9 am the forecast was for temperature up in the 30s again. We did think about going to watch the elite athletes but another day in hot Geneva was not very inviting so we opted for a trip up a gondola. The views were outstanding Lake Geneva one side and after a bit of trekking there were views of Mont Blanc on the other side. Luckily it was a shaded walk as the temperature was soaring and an ice cream stop was very welcome.
Back down from the gondola the temperature was even higher and with 6 of us squeezed into the car it was a bit hot but we survived and got back to base camp for lunch in a shady spot.
The only option for the afternoon activity was to cool down in the pool so it was a family take over of the swimming pool. The pool wasn't big enough for serious swimming but we got plenty of exercise from playing "piggy in the middle" with a beach ball. Sarah and I were greatly disadvantaged as we couldn't stand up. We annoyed a few grumpy women when the ball kept hitting them but otherwise it was an excellent way to cool down.
We ordered pizzas from the restaurant on site who kindly agreed to cook them early as Simon and Elly had to catch the plane . Simon and Elly bade farewell to " Marjory" the trusty tandem that had been on their adventure with them. Poor Marjory was not looking her best wheels off, trussed up with string and now Elly was taking her saddle back.
After taxi driver Graham returned from the airport more card games and more wine to finish the day.
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