Hey people hope you all had a smashing christmas and have a lovely NY tonight, so where did we leave you...
On our way to Samui, once again we managed to get on the retard bus and before we were dropped at our next bus stop we had to take all our drivers friends to work, hospital and police station needless to say by the time we arrived we had missed out bus to the ferry and had a three and a half hour wait.
We finally arrived at Samui and it was awesome. Loads of people all with the party spirit. Our hotel was literally amazing, and we really appreciated a bit of comfort after having been slumming it in the loveshack.Christmas Eve, the hotel held a Christmas Gala. The food was absolutely fabulosa, the Christmas show however was sooo bad that it was funny. There isnt really much to write about Samui, basically because we can't remember half of it. We met some amazing people, and had a very jolly time. Christmas day, after having a pretty heavy night. we took a little stroll down the beach and got chatting to some rather dishy Aussies- they are absolutely ridiculous but such a laugh, a strong bond is formed.
We then set off to Phangan for New Years and the Full Moon Party. The boat ride was absolutely awful, everyone went green and there were about 500 opeople on a boat meant for 200. Laura was not sick hurray due to the drugs Kimmy got for her, which make her entirely numb. Our bungalows were abosultely herendous, there was not even a roof on the bathroom and we were in the middle of no where. Luckily, Ross and Ross (Taras neighbours from home) came to the rescue and took us to Party Ville. For the last few days we have been staying in the Coral Bungalows with the boys and sharing a single bed... cosy. 6 people in a 2 person room, it was like Mary Poppins bag!!!! The beach partys and pool partys have been immense- so much so that Laura felt the need to throw herself down the stairs... see photo for damage. During the day, we went to the beach to watch the boys play in a footie tournament... and who do we bump into... yes yes the Aussie boys who joined the team, such a delight!!!
Tonight it is New Years Eve and we are off to yet another Beach Party... thats if it stops raining. Hope everyone at home has an amazing night and we look forward to seeing you in 2009 (hopefully). !! xxxxx
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