Hey kids,, we are back with the next exciting installment.
New Years Eve was absolutely mental... about 30,000 on the beach, buckets of alcohol, fire throwers, fireworks, a fire skipping rope... basically the potential for disaster. So we rock up on the beach after having covered ourselves in some delightful bodypaint... tragically we had artistic block and our designs looked liked big blobs. So we manage to lose everyone within about 5 minutes of arriving which was a problem as there were so many people, and we didnt fancy celebrating New Year just the 2 of us. On our search for the rest of the pack, we remarkably bump in to Joe and Billy who we went to primary school with... small world. We finally find the others 5 minutes before New Years and have big celebrations. We also met up with the Aussies so there was a massive group of us which was excellent... almost as good as New Years at the Salisbury... Ang you know u loved it.
New Years Eve night finished at roughly 7am and the next couple of days were spent recovering. We were due to be going back to Samui for a couple of nights but we decided to stick with the rest of the pack and got a boat to the next Island, Koh Tao. We spent the whole day waiting at the pier for the boat to arrive, to be told that the waves were too high and that all the boats have been cancelled. After deciding not to go with the offers of local Fisherman to take us over in their stinky boats, we took a room at a nearby hotel for the night. We were so excited to have single beds to ourselves after being sardined for the past few nights. This excitement did not last long!! We receieved a phone call from the Aussies, there boat had also been cancelled and everywhere in the area was fully booked, could they stay with us??!! Oh Bloody hell. So into the room came the 6 boys, the hugest men you have ever seen in your life. We managed to gather up some additional bedding and cushions and all settled for a good nights sleep.... Naaaaaaaaaaat!!! Dear God the snoring... like a small aircraft!!! PS miraculously Lauras snoring has been cured since we have been away woop woop!! Kimmy you need to get out here ha!!
So we get up early the next morning to catch our boat. It was possibly the worst journey of our lives... The waves were so bad that even the crew were throwing up.. Laura was feeling very cocky,feeling indestructable having taken her tablets... which are so strong they may be illegal. Unfortunately, the motion even got to her and she had a vomming sessions in a very publicly placed bin...Girls you know the noise!!
We finally arrived at Koh Tao, and we were so glad that we had made the decision to go. Beautiful beaches, loads of divers and a decent room (finally our own beds). That night, the pack chilled out, we rented a DVD player and watched Anchorman... Lanalin??? The next day, we took yet another boat to a small island just off the coast of Koh Tao. It was absolutely magnificent, crystal clear waters and white sand... heaven. That night we went to a few beach bars, and met up with the Aussies again, our stalkers... and things were sweet as a nut!! After spending hours roasting in the sun, Tara went out to buy some shower gel.. she had a lovely shower and then realised that the gel was infact whitening!!! Good one... why not just get bleach next time!!!
We have now left the pack and have made the long (12 hour) journey back to good old Bangkok. We arrived here yesterday and leave tomorrow for Cambodia (may the force be with us). We must be the only people in the world who love Bangkok.. except for the very funky smells. It is really cheap, the shopping is good, and the atmosphere is excellente. Yesterday we went to the Grand Palace... upon arrival we were told that we were inappropriately dressed and directed to the changing room, where we were given delightful full length Thai skirts.. sexy mamas (see pics for evidence).
Today we went to the hugest Shopping Centre... it was literally massive.. probably 5 times the size of Lakeside and had literally every shop you could think of. It was painful not haing the money to buy anything but we did treat ourself to a trip to the cimema (again absolutely larger than life). We highly recommend Yes Man.. very funny.
So people.. off to Cambodia tomorrow... quite excited really but sad to be leaving Thailand, although we have been here a month and will return here to fly to Malaysia.
Before we say our goodbyes.. we would like to congratulate Amy on her new career at Cosytop... I knew all that hard work would get you there in the end.. Watch out for pervy Pete.. He will get you. Much love my little lovebugs... next blog coming soon.
Ps.. Papa Millard.. I saw one of your train friends in Koh Tao... she sits in the same carriage as me on the morning train... how bizarre.. she says that the train crew send their love and wondered if maybe you could pop down and see them in the next few weeks... it has felt colder without you apparently... xxxxxxxx
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