So peops we arrive safely in Bali. When we arrived, it was absolutely puring it down, great!!! Not quite what we had been hoping for. We spent the first couple of nights in a delightful hotel, with a pool and anticipated the arrival of Kirsty Scuffil. She arrived 2 days in and was glowing white.. no offense!!! The three of us switched hotels for a slightly cheaper alternative which was stoll nice.. with pool etc. We had a very cosy bamboo room.. a pure delight.
The nightlife is absolutely mental.. Aussies all over the place. We had a wild night out and somehow managed to get up first thing the next day for a 2 hour surf lesson.
So the 3 of us rock up at the beach on possibly the hottest day ever experienced on planet earth. Despite the factor 40 suncream we all wore for the surf lesson... Kirsty was becoming more crisp by the moment. Surfing is not as easy as we had originally anticipated but by the end of the lesson.. we were all standing on the boards.. not quite Blue Crush but hey.. we will get there eventually.
So after the surf lesson, we notice that Crispy.. i mean Kirsty was looking a little rouge and so we returned to the hotel. Despite all of us aching like hell, we all managed another mental night out. Mext morning we awoke to Kirsty not only being Crispy but her face was also severely swollen.. so pretty!!! Kirst had to spend the rest of the day in room bathing her swollen face.. oh dear.
Within 2 days, All 3 of us had come down with eye infections, Millard also had ear infections, Kirstys face was still swollen, and Tara developed a terrible cold.. oh dear.. wot a pretty group. Due to sickness we had to abandon the surfing for the time being.. we will attempt it again in Australia.
So a slightly messy few days in Bali.. but lots of fun none the less.
We are now in Singapore.. still recovering and getting ready for Australia. We are staying with the Aussies that we met in Thailand and they are picking us up form the airport which is totally delightful..
Speak soon peops, lots of loves Mills and Fowl
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