We said goodbye to Greece this morning and caught a flight to Milano, Italy. Staying here just one night then catching a train back to Aigle, Switzerland tomorrow at 11.00.
We arrived in Milano with enough time to see inside the Duomo, but unfortunately, were too late to go up on the terrace to see the architectural details of the roof of the cathedral. Bummer!!
It is an amazing, mind-blowing building. Standing inside the dark cathedral with its immense columns was like standing in a forest of very tall, mysterious trees.
It was just a bit too creepy for me to be looking at the mummified bodies if a couple of deceased cardinals, all dressed up in their finery, lying in glass sarcophagi. They had metallic "masks" over their faces, but you could clearly see the white hair and the back of one of the cardinal's heads as it lay on a very beautiful pillow. Hmmm...just a bit too strange and weird for me - like gawking at a car crash or something - strangely compelling, but a bit gross at the same time. Ah...mortality! Hard to face hey?
Dinner was pizza and a glass of Moët and Chandon champagne (the waiter tried very hard to sell me a bottle of Italian Ferrari champagne!) at a sidewalk cafe, with a direct view of the Duomo and the square in front of it. Very exciting!!
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