Hello everyone,
Well have been here for almost 3weeks now! Sorry about the delays in journal entries, have tried to pop the photos on but not working so that will have to wait.
However, we arrived to a V cold and rainy NZ, not impressed. Headed straight for a hostel in the city centre which is as big as well Headingley in Leeds for all those who know it!!! Had a few days getting to know the place and the area until we began handing out CVs. With MAJOR Sydney withdrawals we tried to motivate ourselves to get our head around getting a job after 4 1/2months of holidaying it- this was to be a harsh reality.
After trawling Christchurch streets and restaurants, Lol found herself a job working 9-5 at the Boulevard and Lucy 3doors down at Coyotes. Both are bar/restaurants right opposite the river, really nice location and is a real popular place to be. Also managed to land ourselves an amazing appartment, well we looked at the dives but due to us working wanted a bit of class to come home to, we found a: 2bedroom, lazy boys, power showed, balconied crib of a palace, it is just gorgeous and are both so happy there. It is 2mins walk away from our work and all the shops so is very handy for us both.
We have had a couple of overnight guests including Bonza (leeds met) and his friends which was really nice, we had dinner and managed to cause carnage in Christchurch on 2 separate occasions, including Bonza doing press-ups on a bars stage and the boys getting kicked out of bars for being too drunk....whatever!!! It was lovely to see them and had a lot of fun, especially when there camper van almost got towed away!!! Also Emma and Lauren (Hull ladies) payed us a visit which was great to see them again after xmas and New Year. We had good food, wine and tim tam slams...the usual and also got to catch up with her 'rents' who were on holiday here.
So nothing else really to tell you apart from we are both working hard but enjoying settling down for a bit. No major plans for the next few weeks apart from waiting for Maxine (Leeds met) to get here- YEAH!!!! can not wait. We plan to take some time off work and do some sight seeing with her so hopefully will have more to tell. Will try to get those photos on as have taken lots of our appartment and the town to give you an idea.
Anyway love and miss you lots.
all our Love
the girlies
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