was difficult getting up to be ready for the bus to pick us up at 7.15 (since 3 course breakfasts seem to take a while, especially when you talk as much as when your with Pat and Alan, and it's about half an hour drive away) but we were there with 10 minutes or so to spare. After a bit more sleep, I spent the bus journey trying to think of all the catchphrases from the past couple of days:
· (Alan when we eat breakfast): Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You've got to put the petrol in the tank!
· (Alan when either me or Alice passes something to either one of them): That's why we put guests in the middle
· (Alan): It all goes down to the first four ships. You only had what you did for yourself
· (Alan): In the war, New Zealanders had to have food rationing so that they could send food to England. And I think a lot of New Zealanders won't forget that even after that, they still go into England as foreigners.
(He didn't let me point out that we had gone into New Zealand as foreigners, and that it's probably to New Zealand's benefit that you have to get working holiday visas for either country, as New Zealand would probably get more English trying to come here otherwise)
· (Alan when we'd eaten at a restaurant): I'll do the dishes tonight Pat!
· (Alan when we were asked if we wanted a drink): A glass of water, and a look around?
(We're not really sure what this means, but we signed their card to Mrs Cashew Nut and Mr Glass of Water and a Look around)
· (Pat): And that was that
· (Pat): There we are
We had a 30 min stop at Kaikoura, and a girl tried to get on our bus but there was no space for her and so the driver let her just sit on the floor (she said that the girl had missed the bus, but the girl seemed to think she hadn't so I'm not sure who was right or wrong). We had a coffee and something to eat in the cafe over the road to the bus stop in Blenheim whilst waiting for the second bus to come, but since we didn't exactly know when it was supposed to come, we left our magazines and crossed the road to wait for it. However it didn't turn up for an hour later than it should have done. The woman I sat next to was very chatty and it made the time fly by.
Jacquie, another of Alice's aunties friends, came and met us at the bus stop and took us to her office, where we had after work drinks (in jam jars!) with her very funny colleague, who then drove us to Jacquie's house.
After a dinner of pasta, peas and salad, we just chilled out and watched music TV and made use of the Wi-Fi.
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