Kyles worldwide travels
Hello all,
Our arrival to La Paz was pretty eventful. We were lucky enough to be there on the Inauguration of their new Presidente. It was one of the most moving things i have experienced. All the locals had a hope full look on their faces, their country is so poor and has been ruled by so many corrupt Present es, i hope for their sake this guy is a good one...he seemed ok to me!!! I will say that he has the worst hair do i have seen in a long time...not that there is many Peruvian with great hair dos but you would think a make over would help...god what am i saying, look at the Australian priminister...he needs some serious help with those eye brows!!!!
My next biggest adventure was to tackle `Death Road`. It is a mountain bike ride down a very narrow, windy, busy road...yes i did read the brochure before agreeing to do it!!! There were about nine of us doing the ride.
I had rid en in Bolivia before so it wasn't as if i hadn't got a bit of practise so i felt rather confident about the ride...little did i know that it would be so cold and so much rain that you couldn't see two ft in front of you...we all almost stacked it on a few parts of the road...unfortunately Kat didn't make it through that part of the road and she went over the handle bars...after a chipped tooth and what at first appeared to be a broken nose, she headed for the van and her riding days were over...poor girl had to sit in the van and follow us around for about 8 hours before we could take her back to town...
I did get to the bottom of the Death Road in one piece and i have t-shirt to prove it (well my dad has a t-shirt to prove it...not really my style!!). We had a great lunch and then got into the van to come back up the mountain...that's when it all started going down hill, instead of up hill....
The traffic coming up the hill has right of way, and everyone has to beep their horns before they get to a corner to let the on coming traffic know they are there...we did all the right things but at one corner we came around and there was a Volvo truck still coming around the corner...he couldn't was the worst thing i have ever been through...from where i was sitting at the back of the van i could only see a Volvo signing coming for us...our driver tried to get out of the road by rolling back down the mountain but the truck was to big and to fast and it hit us straight on....i have never screamed so much in my life. The back of our van was heading for the edge of the cliff, which is the only thing i could see...i really thought we were going to die. I don't know how our driver did it but he rolled us quick enough to get away from the truck without it hitting us again....i had all my angels on my side!!!!
Bloody Volvo drivers...the cargo on the truck was about 50 to 70 people...yes people, women, children, the lot!!!
Behind the truck were about 10 other trucks coming down the mountain so they had to back up to let us and the Volvo past...the drivers were arguing for ages and it was getting dark...we only had one headlight now!!! You can imagine how much of a state i was in..we all offered to pay the driver of our van the money to fix it instead of trying to reason with with other driver who quite clearly didn't think it was his was only about AUD80 per person, which we were all willing to pay but the van driver wouldn't have it...apparently it was the principle of it...god some men!!!!!
We finally headed off up the mountain again but by this time it was pitch black and we still only had one head light...i spent the next 45mins with my hands over my face, crying my eyes out...i just wanted to get off the mountain...i promised my dad i wouldn't do anymore exstreme sports after that one!!!!
Very dis-stressing experience!!!
Needless to say La Paz wasn't all that exciting after that little experience...
We did have to say goodbye to four people from our tour...Ron, Anne, Kirsty and Kat all left and we got four more people...Pascal, Annie, Emma and Anna..they are all really great and i'm sure we will have just as much fun with them...
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