Kya Travels
Woke up, had breaky, and went to the reception to check in properly, and got our champagne, but not our chocolate! Rude! Then went around the corner to catch the bus out to Movie World. Bought our tickets and had a bit of a look around, then went to the Hollywood Stunt Drivers show which was pretty cool, and made you think the cars were going to crash at every turn, also with some average acting and a big finale with the car crashing through a wall and off a massive jump into a building which exploded! Then we went to the Shrek 4D Adventure show where the film seemed like it was right in your face, and the seats moved and sprayed bits of water at you. Had a snack then went on the Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster, which we thought was gonna be just a ghost train, but had massive fast hills and turns and went backwards and everything. After that we did the Wild West Falls, which was a pretty relaxing raft ride which had a scary dip in the middle and ended with a massive fall through water and we got drenched! Had a beer and some chips/burger. After that I did the Batwing Spaceshot ride (a massive tower that shot straight up really fast, then back down so you felt weightless and came out of your seat a bit), The Superman Escape ride (a rollercoaster that started with a boost that went to 100km/h in 2 seconds) and the Lethal Weapon (a rollercoaster where you're hanging free in a chair doing loop the loops etc) all of which Darren didn't want to go on. Then we both went on the Batman Adventure Ride which was a simulator where you were chasing the villains, and then I convinced Darren to go on the Batwing Spaceshot and nearly scared him to death before we got an ice cream and headed back to the bus stop and got a crazy bus ride home that was a little scarier than the theme park rides! After chilling at the apartment for a bit, we went up the road for some Mexican food where we both had combo's and some chili bread which was awesome, and met some girls from Adelaide who were really nice but pretty drunk. Then we went home and went to bed for an early night.
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