Kya Travels
When we woke up this morning we got on a tram and went in to Dam Square where we got some cash out, grabbed something to smoke and headed to the train station. We bought some tickets and got on a train to Amersfoort, then to Apeldoorf where we got a bus to the Apenheul primate park. I got some fries and we had a smoke before going in. We had been very highly recommended going to see wildlife while stoned... So we walked up to the entrance, and by that time the majority of the effect had worn off anyway... Oh well! We paid our entrance and went into the first section which was the squirrel monkeys. Tiny cute and very curious little monkeys, who were just wandering around, no cages or anything! They loved the prams and little kids and were jumping all over them! So cute! Lyle was the first to get monkey'd, cos they were interested in his bag, so they jumped up on his arm to check him out! We all got a monkey on us by the time we'd gone through. The one that jumped on Darren pulled his headphones out of his ears, and the one that jumped on me wanted to get the hair tie from my wrist! We walked past some more little monkeys and one random rhea (ostrich/emu type bird), and went to the lemurs. They had just finished being fed so they were still all around the area and the people, but they were much more shy than the squirrel monkeys and soon started to get away from everyone. We went past a few more different monkeys that were being boring and lazy and went to the orangutan enclosure! These ones weren't free range, for obvious reasons! They were so cute! There was a big mumma orangutan that was lying with her forearms in the air and her head against the window. She was just chilling, probably trying to get away from the heat. We came up to the glass and she started blowing us kisses! Sooooo cute!! From there we rushed past the other monkeys to make it to the marmoset section for their feeding time. Marmosets are awesome! With their tiny little angry faces and big lion-like manes! They had no Pygmy marmosets unfortunately, but these were cute anyway! From there we went back to the start to play with the squirrel monkeys again because that section was closing soon. We got more monkeys climbing on us, they're so cute! One of the workers was feeding the little guys when the big rhea bird came up and blocked her and wouldn't let her through! They had a bit of a stand off then the bird decided to follow her everywhere, it was pretty funny to watch! We stayed there until we got kicked out then went back around to see the stuff we'd rushed past. We saw some really cute tiny monkeys, and talked to their keeper about how she looks after them and how she can recognize different things, like if a visitor is scaring them, by the sounds they make. Pretty cool! Next we went in a dark enclosure to see the night monkeys. We only found two of them, they were so hard to find! By then it was almost closing time, but we hadn't seen the gorillas yet so we backtracked a bit and went into their enclosure. This one wasn't open range either, but we got to look at them through the glass. There were a couple of young ones who were having a good old play fight, and a huge intimidating daddy gorilla sitting up the top and just watching everyone. There was a mum and a tiny baby who was super cute! I put my hand on the glass and the bub came up and put his hand on it against mine. That was special! One other awesome thing was when one of the young gorillas was playing with Darren through the glass by jumping up and slapping his hands on the glass where Darren was standing. Awesome. By then it was closing time so we headed back out, waited for the bus then went to the station to make our way back into Amsterdam. When we got back we walked down the street via a few souvenir shops looking for a sticker for the guitar, then wandered around the red light district to find some dinner. We were looking for mexican, which proved harder than we thought it would be to find, but eventually we found a place called The Mexican, where we went in for some pretty yummy food. We had a chat to an American couple on the table next to us, who had just come from Paris and were giving us some tips, and we gave them some for Amsterdam. When we left, we walked along the Main Street for prostitutes and had a peek into the windows, with their red lights and curtains and almost naked girls. It was very interesting and very casual, and didn't seem like a seedy area at all, it just felt very normal, which for here, I suppose it is! After that we jumped on a tram and headed back to the hostel, where we sorted our travel for the next day and printed our tickets. Then we headed down to a coffeeshop called Coffeeshop Little where we did our Eurotube video and had a little space cake, which did nothing for me. Probably didn't have enough of it! After that we just headed back to the hostel and went to bed.
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