Well, we are knackered.
London to Bangkok - bloody long way (11 hours) and just our luck flight was late taking off!!!!! Leg room not great and food - yuck!!!! On the plus side neither of us was sick (hurray for me!!)
Got to strech legs in Bangkok then herded back onto plane for another 8 hours of joy! God bless the mini tv with UP and other movies that we never got the chance to see in the real world (and probably wouldn't have wanted to).
Sleep not an option.
Arrive in Sydney at 0700 (we are 10 hours ahead of you guys) lovely and hot. Procede to throw away travelling clothes as to hot/big/smelly and that was just Kristy's stuff.
Managed to convince some nice men in a hostel to let us have a shower (ripe is an unstatement) and then proceded to wander around Sydney to kill some time before our train to Brisbane.
Bridge - big, over water, exactly what we expected. Opera house - definately the sydney opera house. Becky wants to walk over the bridge - not on her nelly!!!!! Kristy was perfectly happy watching all the mad people from below. Will revisit properly though when back in Sydney for Christmas.
Managed to burn faces - factor 50 was left in the hostel - sensible or what!
Train to Brisbane - not to bad. Leg room by the bucket load - Southern rail take note!!!!!
Got on at 1600 tried to sleep - not happening. 2300 nise lady informs us that we can swivel the seats round to make sort of beds (dur!!!!!) didn't help. Still not slept.
12 hours later (seriosuly stiff neck and numb bum) we arrive in Brisbane. Hence us writting this now, you will all just be getting in from work, making tea etc.
Going to waste some time before picking up the campervan (breakfast here we come!) then head on down to Byron bay.
We are well aware there are no pictures yet - black bags are not an attractive look so we will add some when we don't look so scary.
P.S Back pack far to heavy!!!!! Is going to kill us! Must off load lots. Sorry to anyone who's clothes were borrowed for this trip. Love you x x x x
Hope you are all well
Love K and B X X X X
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