Hi girls, India sounds fun! Not a place to visit then. Lets hope you enjoy Goa, sounds a bit touristy to me. If any consolation its still Bxxxxx Snowing here. Will bring you a snow ball when you get home.
Love Dad and Jackie.
hi kristy thank you for our postcards. are you having a nice holiday. miss you lots. lots of love cam xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm extremely jealous of you enjoying my homeland, especially the sun, although its brilliant here today - loads and loads of snow. Just took over an hour to drive the 3 miles home, want to go an build a snowman but might look a tad daft at my age! You girls sound like you're having a brilliant time - but where's the photo of you eating pies???? Snickers is doing fine apparently so thats good; Ken is still eating; Sue's got a gorjus haircut; Jayne T is engaged - so there's all the news from here. xx
Lynne Ellwood
Happy birthday for yesterday Kristy. We are once again snowed in here, but it does look pretty. When are you going to put some new photos on your blog page??
Graham Bromage
Happy Birthday Kristy
21 again, have a good one
Love Dad n Jackie xxxxxxxx
Hi bee and beck's, i got the start date for my new job, i am so excited. i start on the 1st of feb yay.
I hope ur having a great time lots of love kayz xxx
hi girlie's
Graham and Jackie have just dragged me kicking and squealing on a walk again. Had to force Graham to have a drink in the local. Now slaving over a hot stove cooking roast beef and yorkshire puds. Can get a bit sick off turkey. Beats pasta on the beach. were having it by the brook in the snow, very picturesque but cold on the bum.
Guess what that was Graham writing - drag him to the pub. Huh. We have been for a walk - actually more like a skid most of it consited of sheet ice. We did well a few wobbles but no falls .
Will finish now as Graham says have only limted time or space not sure.
Will write again now have found this.
Love to you both
Carol Jackie and he who likes a drink!!!!!
Hello Kristy and Becky, I did think I had sent you a message last week, but cant see it on the msg board, so guess I didnt do it correctly. Have a lovely Christmas in the sunshine, you lucky things.
All our snow has now gone. Your photos looks amazing. X
Well hey ladies, B i can't believe u left me here in the cold and wet to fight loz on christmas day it's not fair. We are having a good crimbo dinner though cant wait u no me and food. Loz is right though were's the tan. Dad finally figuered it out which is funny, see u both soon love kayz xx
Ms Adepoju, Mrs Harvey, Goddess Young
We are busy working hard, having a stand up meeting dicussing the views of Australia....wheres the social housing?!!! Ms Adepoju is awaiting pictures of the surfer dudes...as for MRS Harvey she wants a photo of you eating a pie.... Weather wonderful not as hot as your weather, we may have topped 1 degrees!!! Miss Miller has interupted our standup meeting to review the photos. Take care enjoy and embrace... chat soooooooooooooooooon.........................
Theresa (Mum)
Hi Girlies, well looks like you are still having fun and that the sun is shinning (well on and off anyway). It tried to snow here today, but nothing pretty and white yet, just wet and cold. Tree is up, lights too, prezzies are out. What will you two be doing for christmas dinner? Turkey on the beach? Love mum x
Hi girls
Just to let you know it has been snowing in Stockport this afternoon, bloody freezing. Glad to hear you are not enjoying yourselves, must be hell out there. Good job I'm not the I would look like a lobster. Keep you chins up