I know there are no picture updates but all the computers we have been using don't have usb ports, its very frustrating but i will put them all on soon i promise.
Well we have been mamouth road trip so far (1025km) and still have the return trip to do.
We spent my birthday in Canberra and did a whistle stop drive by tour. Becky is the driver and i am the navigator (ha ha ha ha!). We has wine and fancy cup cakes with sparklers fro my birthday tea!!! Fire ban be damed!!!! And best of all about my birthday the sun has come out!!! YAY!!!!!!!! Pity we will be sat in the van for the next three days!
From Canberra we made our way to the coast. Over the mountains. There as a particularly scarey bit of road that Becky descended beautifully in our clapped out old bangedr with no power steering and a sign that warns do not turn to hard as you will roll (!!!!!!!!!).
We worked our way down the coast vias some lovely towns (could live in this bit) with various stop overs in various places. My favourite is a little place called Phillip Island. Now on Phillip Island there is a little bit of beach were the Fairy Penguins live!!!!!! At night the little penguins (teeny tiny) all coe out of the water and go to their nests in the sand dunes. You cna sit can watch them. Its great!! Becky onkly let me go after promising at no point would i atempt to steal a baby penguin (i had my fingers crossed when i promised). They all come up th beach in big groups, trying to be all stealth like. I imagined it all with the theme to the A Team going on in the background and provided a running commentary to Becky who i don't think was overly thrilled at sitting on a beach at night watching the little penguins. You can go round walkways and watch them all playing. One penguin was just in arms reach but Becky was watching me like a hawk so no baby penguin for me. They did warn us to check under the car before we left as somethines they wander that far but i'm jsut not that lucky!
We made it to Melbourne and have had a mooch around there. It is slowly getting hotter every day. We have decided we haven't got the time to do the great ocean road as will take to long to get home. We decided to hit St Kilda instead for some much needed sunbathing. How wrong were we. I like it hot, you all know that but 46 degrees and no breeze is even beyond me, After trying to sunbath unsuccessfully we attempted a swim. 3rd degree burns on the bottom of our feet to get to the see that was full of jellyfish!!!!!!
We treat oursleves to a very nice lunch and a swim at the salt water baths there. Lets just say neither of us slept in our tin can sweat box that night as it was still 30 degress at midnight. Weather reports in the area are expecting it to hit 50 degrees before the end of Jan.
Tomorrow we have to start ourway back up to Sydney to catch our flight to Singapore, It will be a shame to leave as still so much more to see but can't keep bummimg around in Oz forever. Bring on Singapore.
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