Wednesday- Wow. I don't know what to say. I cant say how Barranquilla is yet because I seem to be in the outskirts... And while I'm trying not to be judgmental, it's hard not to cry of discomfort. I hate to be a spoiled American but this is too much. This little sketchy town isn't too bad, it seems to have a lot going on. Although the road is really small and not well-paved, it has quite a few food joints, tiny convenience stands... The family I'm with is nice but I can't handle it. They say it's safe to go out and other Americans have stayed here fine so Im trying not to judge the book.... But theres cracks and holes on the cement walls. The toilet has no seat nor a thing to flush... Nor a sink or actual shower, so I used a sink- equivalent near the wash area which is unlit.
I tried getting a hold of my Colombian Anna (from high school in Arizona) and she got me in touch with her family. They said this place I'm in called Soledad isn't so great, kinda outta the city. It's too late (and far) to leave NOW but tomorrow even if I need a hostel, I gotta leave here. The family is nice though, and the young girl who's my age (katherine) gave me her room. But there's not even a pillow... Too hot for any kind of blanket anyway. I'm kinda worried maybe I'm missing something, like this is more LOCAL and real Barranquilla but Anna assured me that there are nicer places to go and see. Katherine is really nice and is going to take me with her to work where she's a teacher then to walk around and eat lunch. She offered to help me find Annas family and take me more to the central part of Barranquilla. So at least I feel welcome and stuff... I feel safe INSIDE the house.
All I know is that this is part of the experience :-) but I WON'T tell my mom about it until it's over...
Friday- it's over :-). I called Anna, my Colombian friend from high school and she got in touch with her family in Barranquilla. They gave me the address to take a taxi to their house. Wow, what a difference!! This area (closer to the city) is really nice, tranquil, more like an urban area for families. Anna's family helped me and I stayed with them for the night. We looked for hostels nearby but there aren't a lot that are cheap. The two places I've heard about that are like paradise beaches are Cartagena and Santa Marta. They said that in Cartagena there are lots of hostels and tourists so I'm probably gonna head there.
Let me go back a little to where I was before, in Soledad. It was the outskirts and a poor area but it wasnt SCARY. That girl Katherine took me with her where she teaches at a private school. I got to use the bus and wow, so far Costa Rica is DEFINITELY winning the public transportation race. And even though this school is private, it seemed pretty poor. But the kids were HILARIOUS, telling me how beautiful and precious I am, they all wanted my blue eyes. They asked 72664 questions like do I understand them, am I married, do I have kids...One girl asked if I see everything in blue tint... So that was fun. And when I told Katherine that I preferred to go more in the city, she was nice and offered to help me with the taxi and finding where I was going.
So NOW I'm anxious to be REALLY situated and see these beautiful beaches...
- comments
Marzhel Do you see things in a blue tint?
Deanne Lange Hey Girl!! You are a real trooper. Your experience with no toilet seat, no pillow, etc. I am sure made you appreciate other areas. Am enjoying your blogs and so are my friends. They said to give you their regards. Love, Grandma
Scott Peltin Hey Babe, Glad you are feeling better. We can't wait to hear about the beaches and see the photos. I'm glad you can speak so well so you can answer all the blue eye questions :)) Enjoy and lets try to skype from London. Love you dad and Karen