Little Kirsty Ventures to Pastures New
We had to cancel our plans for the rest of the week, cause I was still feeling unwell and we both decided we were growing tired of the area we were in- so it was time to move on. We packed up and booked a bus and boat ticket to get to Ko Tao.
After a quick lunch, we were collected by the bus and met up with other travellers that were off to Ko Tao as well.
After the 5hour bus ride, we stopped for a meal and luckily there was a movie playing in the restaurant, so the 3 hour wait for the boat wasn't too bad. Not sure if I have mentioned 'stop-over' points during bus journies before, but for the record, the restuarants they stop at are always vile and the mene pretty much only consists of Fried Rice or Fried Noodles. Fired rice is always my preferred option.
We were starting to dread having to sleep on the boat, but once on, it turned out we all had a small area on the ground each and even had a thin matress to sleep on. Although it was slightly damp, it was something, and we
were at least able to stretch our legs out. An American couple we met at the climbing in Railay boarded and turned out they were sleeping next to us. After chatting for a bit, they turned out not to be as cocky as they previously appeared.
It was quite amusing, cause we realised that on one side of the boat, lay the Thai locals, and on the other, were the tourists- a blatantly obvious devide. And it was the way our tickets had been printed, not by our choice. Strange.
After a pretty rough night, tossing and turning, we arrived in Koh Tao at around 7am the next morning.
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