Last weekend I volunteered at equidays which was a bit like Your Horse Live. It had demonstations, competitions and lots of shopping.
I worked on the Saturday day and evening. I was put on one of the gates which was the most boring job ever! There were 3 of us and we had to also tell people they can't park where we were standing and this lady drove straight up ignored the signs and parked so I went over to her to tell her she couldn't park there and she went nuts saying I'm the organiser of the event I can park wherever I like she was so rude!!! That kind of set the president for the rest of the day! One of the girls got sent somewhere else and me and Ursula who I was with were so cold! We asked if we could help someone else as we really weren't needed where we were! We went to the indoor arena and they said they needed help in half hour so we just sat and watched the jumping demonstration. We then helped move the jumps out of the arena. The Wilson sisters were coming in next. They did a tv show on mustering wild horses and have a book that I've read so it was good to see them in action. One of them Vicki was riding with just a saddle and she got her horse Argo, to lay down while she was riding! He is only 4 years old! He's an amazing horse.
After that it was lunch time so we went to the 'hub' for lunch. I must say they fed us really well! We weren't short of food. We were given a goody bag which had crisps, shapes, water, big bar of chocolate, sweets and a few other things in. After lunch we went to watch some jumping! As we weren't really needed anyway I decided to do my shopping but then I felt guilty so I went to the indoor arena to make sure they didn't need any help but they didn't so I did lots of shopping!!
We were given equidays dollars to buy food for the evening but I didn't realise that we needed to eat before we started! But it was ok I got time to eat. All we had to do in the evening was show people to their seats! Easy right well people were soooo rude! The show was sold out so we had to make sure there were no gaps in the seats. People were so rude though so we ended up giving up!
Once we had done that we didn't really have anything left to do! so we got to watch the show! It was a bit boring though they were telling a story of how horses have evolved but it didn't flow very well.
There was a guy that was volunteering who was dressed as a women and Sharon told me that he lives on his bike and just rides around and volunteers at places and then I realised that I had watched a documentry on him! well Cam had recorded it thinking it was about something different so we only watched about 10 minutes of it. His name was Damiana! I was talking to him and asked where he was oringally from as he has an accent and he said i'm kiwi with disabilities!!! who says that!!!
We ended up leaving about 9pm I wasn't sure if i was going to go back on the Sunday but I decided to in the end. They didn't really need us though as there wasn't much going on so i didn't stay very long!
When i was at home I got a phone call to say that I had won a competition! I went to pick up my prize in the week and I won a bucket full of stuff including a rug, horse treats, horse shampoo, headcollar and robe, bandages, $20 gift voucher and more!! I'm sending some of it home and I gave some of it to Otter.
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