OMG! I delivered a Calf!!!!!!!! On Friday Hunter and I saw a calf being born we'd seen it before but we'd not seen it pop out so we were watching and it was pretty cool. I said to Tessa that I can tick that off now I want to help deliver one! So last night we were in the kitchen and she said I think Cam is taking that one to the shed to help deliver the calf as it is backwards so I was like can I go!! So she gave me her overalls and boots and off I went!! Cam asked if I wanted some gloves so I said go on then! He put the cow in this area so that it couldn't go anywhere and told me to find the foot!!! One foot was already sticking out so I had to put my hand up the cows but and find the other foot!! It was horrible! I managed to feel the hoof and pull it out but Cam said I had to get my hand in further! So I did! I felt some kind of liquid I'm not sure if it was blood or poo or what but it was nasty! There was so much room inside the cow! Cam tied some strapping to the feet and put it around my back and said pull!!! It was so hard! I felt like I was the one giving birth!! Cam helped to and the calf finally came out! It was huge! There was blood everywhere and I was coughing lots but surprisingly I wasn't sick! The calf was alive which was really good. I'm really glad I got to experience it and will do it again if I can!
It was my weekend off this weekend so on Friday night I stayed at my friend Bianca's house, and we went to Hamilton to see Magic Mike 2. It was so cheesy! I went in to Hamilton shopping on Saturday! I spent so much money! I gave myself a budget of $200 but ended up spending $250! I got a lot for my money thought, a coat, ankle boots, hoody, 3 pairs of jogging bottoms, socks, 2 tops, jumper, gym top and leggings, and a few other bits and pieces so I don't think I did too badly!
Last week I signed up to the gym with Bianca as we are doing the tough gal challenge in Rotoura next month! Its a 12k obstacle course through mud!!! I can't wait! I've been to the gym 3 times in a week so doing pretty well so far!!
I was having problems with my bank card and it wasn't working when I went to use it so I had to go to Westpac on Thursday and for some reason I have 2 bank accounts and the account details I had that I'd been paid in to where different to the account that my card is linked to that's why it wasn't working! Its good though as I get paid by Tessa and Au Pair link so I will keep the Au Pair link money going to the savings account and Tessa's money to the normal one that way I will hopefully be able to save some money while I am here!!
Everything is good with Hunter and Libby. They are so adorable! Hunter had me in tears laughing the other day. He ate all is dinner really quickly so I said wow that was quick Hunter and he said well we was having a yarn and alsorts aye Kirsty!! A yarn is a chat! So basically we were talking so much I didn't notice him eating!
We've been doing loads of baking again! We made scones the other day but I didn't really like them! Everyone else did though! oh and we made mars bar cake which everyone loved! It wasn't the same without english chocolate though!
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