I have a new tattoo!!!
2 weeks ago I had a 4 day weekend! I was off from the Thursday! It was so nice to have a good break. On the Thursday I went to Hamilton and got a tattoo! I had been thinking about it for a while and had emailed the tattooist but thought it best I go in and discuss what I wanted so I did just that and they managed to fit me in there and then! I got Carpe Diem with a heart and aeroplane on my left foot! It really hurt especially the heart and plane! I love it though so its all good! It's still healing and getting really itchy at night but that means its healing which is a good thing.
I went swimming the day before as I thought it would be good exercise I swam for about an hour and relaxed in the spa! Obviously I haven't been since but once my tattoo heals I will go once a week. I got a really blocked ear though and couldn't hear out of my right ear for a few days. My mum suggested putting warm oil in my ear and it helped it unblocked it! It was horrible not being able to hear!
I didn't actually really do much else with that weekend off it was just nice to catch up on some sleep!
I have been working loads the last 2 weeks. I worked about 124 hours in 12 days!! I even looked after the kids over night on monday while Tess and Cam went away for the night. It was really nice as Tess said to me its so nice that we can go away and not have to worry about the kids as you know exactly what to do! I'm glad they feel that way about me! I even babysat for the lady who's horse I ride.
It's my weekend off again this weekend. Today I went to see Everest at the movies. It was soooo good but very emotional! Part of me was like why would you put your body through that but then the other part of me was like wow what an amazing exerience!
I've been doing lots more baking with hunter my favourite thing to bake at the moment is cookies! They are soo good! I have also made bread and an amazing self saucing chocolate cake in the slow cooker so now I want a bread maker and slow cooker when I get my own place!!
I have decided to visit Thailand and China on my way home next year and hopefully my friend Beth is coming to Thailand with me! I am going to her house tomorrow to hopefully start booking some stuff!! Exciting!
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