So woke up for my last time in Sydney for a fair few months, well really until August when I start my journey home! So I spent the morning repacking my rucksack which took me a while as i seem to have accumulated more stuff again :s anyway managed to get it all packed with quite a bit of time to spare so me and Beccy had some lunch and then headed down to get the bus. The bus was totally packed but luckily enough we had seats together. Must admit i still havnt lost my bus narcolepsy and slept for quite a bit of the journey.
When we arrived in Canberra we were quite confused as to how to get to our hostel in Dixon, one of the suburbs in Canberra. We asked one bus driver and he wasnt much use at all and then we asked another one who was really helpful and actually ended up giving us a lift. Now I wouldnt normally accept a lift from a stranger but there was 2 of us and the guy had been our bus driver down from Sydney. So I experienced my 1st time of being in a Ute in Oz! So as we were chatting to the guy he was asking us how long we were planning to stay and we said not very long as the hostel was very expensive. However the guy said if we want to stay a bit longer he could maybe get us some work over the weekend at this SummerNats thing, it the biggest car thing for people to go to in Australia.
When we got to the hostel a few Irish boys helped us get our bags to the room. Me and Beccy figured we'd get an early night as we were pretty tired from travelling. After brushing my teeth I was wandering back to the room and ended up stopping and chatting to one of the Irish boys for quite a while, just because I struggle to not talk to people lol! DId eventually make it back to the room and I had asked Beccy why she didnt come and find me when i'd been gone for a while and she just said she figured i was chatting to someone as per usual!
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