On the hunt for gelato. It all started with the reading of a blog called the top ten things you should do in old San Juan Puerto Rico that no one ever tells you. Number 3 on the list included getting incognito gelato. So this morning we checked out of our hotel in San Juan and headed for old San Juan. Once in old San Juan we walked and talked (Lazaro mostly to strangers (I mean new friends)) asking about the precise location for incognito gelato. Each time he would tell me--this local has never heard of it--To which I would reply, if everyone knew about it--it wouldn't be incognito. From the original blogpost I was able to find more clues to the location including that it was near the main fort. So we jumped on the local trolley and headed toward the fort which according to Google maps would then only require a 5 minute walk. On the trolley we saw the beautiful city and Lazaro met more friends. With phone in hand and gps coordinates set, we wandered off looking for incognito. When hope was all but lost I found the hidden gem in an unmarked apartment building. I placed my order and was handed a plastic cup with a paper towel. It cost $.75; but I only had a $10.00....she did not have change. Perhaps it was the look of desperation on my face when I looked from the frozen concoction to the lady to my $10---that the lady waved me off with a don't worry about it---and I enjoyed the sweet taste of victory. I came, I saw, and found the frozen treat!
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Bonnie Snyder Dad and I are taking bets on how many "friends" you and Lazaro encounter on your Puerto Rico adventures. Each day has new (and more) possibilities! Love. Mom