The sky is blue! Quick, run around and take as many photos as possible before it's back to the drizzle.
I go to Eureka tower: "The Southern Hemisphere's Tallest Observation Gallery" where the lift propels me up 88 floors at 9 m/s. The view is indeed impressive, much better with the blue sky background. Eureka's big attraction is "The Edge Experience". You step into a cube which overhangs the building, the floor then changes from opaque to transparent and you can go crazy. It's an extra $12 and one hour wait, so I figure I can get a similar experience staring at the floor and then looking out of the window quickly.
My checklist of animals to see in Australia wasn't quite completed in Kakadu, so I go to Melbourne Zoo. I'm not sure whether to give the award for Best Animal Ever to the platypus or the echidna. Probably the echidna for the comedy value. They're basically giant hedgehogs with a funky blonde tips, black roots hairdo and they wobble side to side most of the time. There are also plenty of poisonous spiders and snakes that I'm quite grateful that I did not see in the wild.
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