The ferry to Pak Bara was about an hour and a half and again, was a really nice journey. As soon as we arrived back on the mainland, people were hassling us aboutwhere we going, trying to sell us tickets to here and there. Our plan was to see what Pak Bara had to offer and then head on to Trang to get up to Ko Samui. Turns out Pak Bara has nothing to offer! So we bought a minibus up to Trang for 500baht between us. We went to get some food before the bus and everything was so cheap! It was amazing! We were all so happy to be back on the mainland! It really highlighted how expensive all the island are because of their popularity and tourism. The journey up to Trang was only about an hour and a half and we had the mini bus to ourselves which was very nice! We got dropped off outside an ex pat bar in Trang so it was really handy to get some insider tips from English speaking people who had lived in the area for a while. There was a really cheap hotel in the Lonely Planet so me and Mike went off to check it out. It is such a cool place! We went up to look at the rooms and we got an amazing one for 100baht each!! We all have our own MASSIVE bed each! Which is like the biggest luxury ever! I can't remember the last time we all had our own bed! We got settled in and then the boys went back to Sam's bar to watch the tennis. I hadn't been feeling too well, so I stayed behind for a lie down and then joined them later. I got some Chicken fried rice when I got there which was 35baht! In Ko Phi Phi we were paying around 100baht! The next day I really wasn't feeling well, so we went to find the doctors, who took loads of samples, said he thought I might have I viral infection and gave me 9 different types of drugs! I was feeling better in no time. Just needed some rest. We stayed in Trang for 1 more day (so 3 days in total). There wasn't much going on, so we headed to the bus station on Wednesday to go to Koh Samui. The bus ride was SO bumpy and they had this REALLY annoying Thai music on the whole way! The journey didn't take as long as I thought it would and befor ewe knew it, we were in Suri Thani, (which was the place we had to sit waiting for 3 hours on our way down to Phuket from Bangkok). We got on another bus to the ferry terminal and waved goodbye to the mainland again!
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