We've been working and looking for work so we haven't actually done a lot of touristy stuff since we've been here. Kate was working on reception for the four days before Easter on the reception for an insurance company. I spent all that week registering with agencies and going for interviews with them.
On Good Friday we didn't do much even though we weren't working. In the evening we were supposed to go to Luna Park with Kerri and Fiona but they had to meet some family friends so we went to the cinema instead to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
On the Saturday we has our hair cut in this fancy salon, that we got really cheap as some guy stopped us in the street a few days before. Kate got her hair coloured and I got mine glossed (like the pantene adverts!) That evening we went out with Kerri and Fiona. We met them in McDonalds and then walked to Oxford Street. We went to this place called The Gaff as we had bracelets which would get us free drinks. But we couldn't get them until 11 so we went to a Gay bar down the road, which was funny. Kate went back to clean the kitchen for free rent and we went back to The Gaff. We managed to blag our way in somehow and bypassed the queue. It totally wasn't worth the free drinks though as it was major crush to get to the one side of the bar that you could get free drinks from. I thought I was going to die! Kate met us there later on. We had the most amazing chips on the way home from a place called Burgerlicious.
Easter Sunday Kate had to get up early to go to Melbourne to see the Chillis. I slept all morning and then hung around the hostel all day with Lisa and Claire. I also cleaned the kitchen in the afternoon and the evening.
Monday Kate got back really early and then slept. When she woke up we went to Mrs Macquaries point, as this is where you can get the best pictures of the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. Then we walked into town and went to Paddys Market, near Chinatown. We had some amazing ice cream and sat around outside the entertainment centre for a bit,
On the tuesday I had an interview in a job agency and they gave me a two day job on reception in Ryde for the next two days. So Wednesday and Thursday I was working for Synovate Aztec, which is a market research company. It was annoying spending forty minutes in the morning and evening getting there and back but it was money so can't complain. On the Thursday I got a call from the agency, they had found me a job for the next month, starting the next day. The job is for First Advantage and I'm checking references and peoples Employment History. The people are really nice and I get to wear a head set, which makes up for the fact that I spend all day on the phone, which I hate. Kate has found a job with Toshiba, working on their laptop campaign.
Saturday 14th, we went to the Royal Easter Show. It was similar to the country shows you get at home but on a much larger scale. There were animals and rides and the amazing concept of showbags. Basically you buy these bags, which are like goody bags, but you get loads of really good stuff in them, not the usual crap you get. You can get showbags for anything, there were Cadburys ones, a bag for every magazine, loads of kids stuff. It was cool. We also had Krispy Kreme doughnuts, which is the perfect end to anyday! Oh and we also saw Linda Robson from Birds of a Feather. Her kids were on the ride we were on.
On Sunday we went to Bondi Beach, we did a bit of sunbathing and then did the coastal walk to Coogee. It took ages and by the time we had stopped off for lunch and then got to Coogee, we had to get the bus back as I had to get back to clean the hostel kitchen. Both Bondi and Coogee were nice beaches and all the bays/beaches in between were pretty.
We both had out first full week of work so we didn't do anything of interest until the Saturday. On the Saturady we went to a St Georges themes party at a bowling club. We thought it would be full of English people, but it was actually full of Australians wondering why there was English stuff everywhere. It was all a bit weird. It was fun though, we had our faces painted and spent most of the afternoon watching Little Britain while drinking. We also had fish and chips, which weren't proper fish and chips at all. In the evening after that we went on a pub crawl back to the hostel. We went to the bottle shop on the way back and then sat in the blue room of the hostel and drank there. We were going to go to the strip club across the road from the hostel as its free after 12, but they were charging so we didn't. While walking down the road we saw all the people from the Oz version of the Biggest Loser (which we have been watching every day) they were out on their pre finale night out. It was pretty awesome timing. We decided after that, not much could top that night so we went back to the hostel.
Today its sunday and we're not doing very much. Just hanging around the hostel and checking our emails.
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