The alarm went off at 3:30 AM today so that we could be ready to go to the airport at 4:30 AM. After dropping off the items that we weren't taking to Jeju in the room that Doren & Rick are keeping in Seoul, we headed to the airport.
There was a little issue at the check-in counter with Jessica's ticket, but eventually, it all got straightened out and we cleared security and boarded the plane for the one hour flight to Jeju Island.
We both slept the flight away, but Christine was startled awake by the very hard landing we made at Jeju, one of the hardest Kent or Christine had ever experienced.
After landing and getting our luggage, we headed out to get a cab to take us to the Hyatt Resort where we are staying.
The resort is beautiful, and we decided almost right away that perhaps we should stay here a little bit longer than we had originally planned, as it was very relaxing and peaceful. After breakfast Doren checked with both the hotel and the airline, and we were able to extend our stay until Sunday!
Once we knew that we were staying a bit longer, both Christine & I crashed out for a nap, intending to get up at 2 pm, but not actually getting up until almost 4 pm.
We headed out for a traditional Korean BBQ dinner of pork and beef that you cook yourself over a small grill. It comes with a whole bunch of side dishes, and once the meat is cooked you wrap it in a lettuce leaf, and any of the side dishes that you want and pop it in your mouth. It was delicious!
Once dinner was over, we headed back to the hotel and crashed out early. We hope to do some exploring of the island tomorrow.
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