Kelly & Mac in Asia :)
Sabai Dee!
Vientiane (the Capital of the Lao peoples Democratric Republic!) is quiet at the moment, apparently the government have regular clamp downs on late night drinking...then change their minds soon after. Just our luck to arrive when nothing is going on! Our guesthouse has an eleven thirty curfew which has done wonders for our budget!
We have spent two nights here, and have taken full advantage of the cocktail happy hours, several long island's, mai tai's, ak47's, 747's, pina colada's and Americano's later....hic!
Spent yesterday bookshopping and eating gorgeous cake washed down with really strong coffee...
Today we visited an amazing Wat and an Asian replica of the Arc De wotsit (built with donated American concrete originally intended for the building of an airstrip!)
We fly to Vietnam tomorrow so will catch up with you then...
Big love petals K&M xx
ps...more crack please!!!
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