Hello Mum and Dad ! I hope you are having a good time the newly weds certainly are! I hope this message reaches you. Huong and I are having a lovely Valentines Day together( arghhhh!!!) I knew you would love New Zeland so much. It is now the Tet festival in Vietnam and Huong and I went to a Vietnamese Temple last night to welcome in the new year! All the best Love Lee and Huong!!!Huong said Happy Valentines Day!!!
Dave & Lin
Hi Guys
Strangely enough having read your blogs your not tempting us but then thats no surprise to you.Sounds like you need to spoil yourselves for a few days but what would I know!!!!!!
Lin & Dave
Hi you two
Enjoying the photos and your blog - stunning scenery. You know us so well (Cyclists Rest looked pretty grim and you're so right - the Picton marina is much more our thing)! Looking forward to hearing more but it is so exhausting just thinking about all those kms you two are doing. Loved the pics of the seals - Keep it up and make the most of it.
Your old friends. x
Bald Fat Bloke
Spent last night in double room behind the dog kennel. . . not a brilliant night as the walls were paper thin and we could hear them panting until the early hours. Think I'll complain. Had a good breakfast in the morning (when else!) and managed to make it last till midday! Decided to visit Microsoft Outlook but didn't get there because the system froze (typical Microsoft). stopped off at the Marina to have a look at the boots (Suffolk expression). Spent many hours just people watching, till a policeman said he'd heard of people like us and told us to move on. Back to the kennels around 5 p.m. to spend the evening with the dogs eating, sleeping and panting . . . what a life.
Pat & Mick
WOW it all lookx smashing - love all the pics, like being there but sure sounds like hard work. Keep enjoying and we will keep enjoying the blogs - take care xxx
Middle Neglected Son
Why is that everyone is so pleasant on the message board, good wishes etc. Just remember that my old man is a born piss taker, so this is your chance.......best wishes?? they're off largin it and we are left here working!!!
Dave & Lin
Hi you barmy bikers!
Glad you are now well on your way - have had problems with only getting half of your blog on screen, but think problem is our home PC so will have to keep up with your blogs at the office. You are wearing us out just thinking of all those kms you are doing! Keep up the good work and enjoy. From your "oldest friends". xx
Pauline & Dave
Good to hear your having plenty of rest days,don`t want to overdo it now you belong to the old club... you know want I mean. Sounds like your having fun. Looks very likely there is going to be another wedding soon,within 6 mon ths I think, Keep riding along take care.
Middle Neglected Son
ps, just looked at the photo's..........you're swingers are'nt you?
everywhere you go you just HAPPEN to meet other LIKE MINDED couples and it all happens so quickly as if it were arranged or as if part of a SPECIAL CLUB!
Middle Neglected Son
Looks fantastic, its cold here funnily enough, not that you two mugs will be worried about that. Met anyone with less false stops than you yet? or a real half eyer? maybe you could post some pics of said half eyer, take the snap quick and they wont even notice mid half eye!!!
Anyway enjoy yourselves, ps we got a boxster, 2.7, one owner from new, bright speed yellow with black leather, she's lovely. So you enjoy your bikes!!!
Love Spencer and Lynda.....not bitter people
Lee And Huong
Hi Mum and Dad! Sounds like you are having a great time and Iam glad that your bikes arrived safely! Huong said we miss you very much but the little lady is doing a brillant job of looking after the house and of course the monster!!! What do you think of beautiful New Zeland???!! Told you you would like it! Huong loves the photos but misses Maureen very much. Have agreat time Or as the Kiwiws say Kia ora Bro!!!!
Glad you arrived safe, and enjoying yourselves. It`s good to see the photo`s take care looking forward to the next lot of info...