Glad you arrived safely, Cairns looks fantastic. Have spoken to Lee he is having a good time in Vietnam, like you he's a bit jet lagged at the moment! Van looks good, hope it's comfy for you. Looking forward to reading next part of trip and seein pics.
Love to you both. xxxxxxxx
Lyndsey White
Your pics are brill auntie maureen! dead jealous!! xx
Pete & Chris
Glad to see you got there OK. Lee got of fine, left place OK.
Ginger Wizard
Hello Mum and Dad,
just had a look at the first set of pictures with Lissa. Looks like you are are both having a wonderful time and the scenery is amazing! Like the look of the Van as well, nice and modern!!! We are all well and the children send their love. Keep up the good work and talk soon,
Keith, Lissa, Reiss, Oliver and Ella-Louise xxxx
Lin & Dave
Hopefully your there now, if not you've gone past.
You'll soon be out in the territories tasting those KANGAROO STEAKS just tell Maureen its chicken.
Man With No Life
Did you say you've left the key under the mat in case I need to get sugar. I am assured that house prices will rise once Gordon Brown knows you have left.
Nichola & Sam
Good luck on your travels!Keep me updated on Lissa, I will be thinking of you all today.Nic
Chris & Martin
Have a fantastic time!! This website is a great idea!
Take Care
Lin & Dave
What nice friends you have !
Man With No Life
If your going just GO.
I hope it all goes well for you... would hate anything bad to happen