Wow what an epistle or was that pis-hole. Said he referring to posh auzzi loos. Natalie has just returned from her 2 week impromptu break in Auzz. I have to take issue with you Keith for weeks all I've seen is idillc sceanery and empty beaches. Today you wax lyricial about surfers and the like. BUT and it's a big BUT or BUTT wheres the totty that what I want to know. Apart from cave girl who sounded like an aging nympho with a heart problem by description. Come along now old boy times running out. anyway v interesting blog. Monique is off to humbug next week and I'm home alone so still no life there then. F in cold here at moment. Gastric flu all the rage in blighty at moment. Caught a dose last week just to say i'd been there. How sad is that.
Michael Barrymore
Yes Keith be careful with that one and avoid swimming pools late at night!! personally I love the hat!!
Micheal Jackson
Yep they're both right, hee heee, shammon mutha funsta!!!
Gary Glitter
Yes Spencer is soooo right!!!!
With over two weeks remaining you could make Darwin and back I reckon??
ps. remember playing with other peoples kids in the sand gets you on the special register in england!!! reckon I was right about that hat!!!!
Bald Fat Bloke
When you were on the road to Dunsborough you said you met a lady with a couple of kids and Keith went swimming with one and made sand castles with the other... did he swim with the lady or make play
in the sand with her?
Right...... get your flight to hong kong, feign illness, should'nt be too difficult, try mental issues. then stay over night and re-apply for a 3 month visa, turn round and go back again, aahhhh bonza, farkin rippa!!!
Man With No Life
Do try not to smile so much please you know it only upsets me, and as for the size of your didgery do. Whats to say. Lancashire was wet wet wet and then some. Nearly got us stuck in a flooded v narrow lane whilst off roading. A local asked if we had been using sat-nav. I pointed out it wasn't necessary with me as navigator. I was quite capable of getting lost with out resorting to state of the art technology.
Lynda & Spencer
Happy New Year to both of you.
Best wishes
S & L xxxxx
Pauline & Dave
Just to wish you a HAPPY CHRISTMAS, hope you are still enjoying the sunny climate and not getting homesick.
Lin & Dave
Hi there Maxine & Paddy!
Have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS - very envious of all those beach scenes. We are off to carol concert at Chichester Cathedral this evening bet you wish you were here! Enjoy the 25th whatever you are up to and we look forward to seeing you both soon. Love from Lin & Dave XX
BALD FAT BLOKE you are one funny f***er, your last entry had me in stitches, top bloke!!!