Glad you arrived safely - but only managed to get part of your blog (as far as arrived at guest house and enjoyed a shower) - so hope to hear more details soon of your adventures in NZ. Just to let you know Glad is now reunited with Frank (from this morning). Take care and enjoy ....... Dave & Lin x
Keith Herbert
Hi you two nutters!
Glad you both arrived safely and the Boardman bike's are unscathed! Seems that forgetting the card reader might have been a Keith Jnr error or just a sign of old aged! Let's hope you remembered to pack your 2 pairs of pants and knickers! Sounds like you have wasted no time and are both having a great time (very jealous).
Hope you both have another wonderful week. We are all fine and everyone sends their love and best wishes,
The Ginger Wizard, Lissa, Reiss, Oliver and Ella-Louise xxx
Lynda Herbert
Hello to both of you, glad you arrived safely and the bikes were not damaged while travelling. The cyclist retreat sounded lovely (so did the pancakes)! Look forward to reading your next installment.
All over love
Lynda & Spencer xx
Phebe And Olivier
Hi Keith and Maureen,
Great website folks! We wanted to thank you for the good advice you gave us about the website. We took it and stopped our time-consuming and frustrating selfdesigning and instead used this indeed very good blog ( in case you want to have a look). Also thanks a lot for recommending us the Kalgan river camping down in Albany. It turned out to be the nicest camping we stayed at during our South-West holiday. Too bad we didn't see you when you were in Perth... Hope all is well in England and that it is not raining too much there ;).
Phebe and Olivier, the Belgians from sunny Perth
Have a safe journey home and stay in touch. Only 44 weeksto go for me! ;o) If it makes you feel any better it has been rainy, drizzly and cold in Sydney for the last 2 weeks . . . .(honestly!) x (and yep, love WA!)
Man With No Life
Now i've got me name right. That last photo call. Were you taking the Perth or Pith.
Bald Fat Bloke
Just for your info: POM - acronym for "prisoner of (his/her) majesty" or "prisoner of mother England. See you soon - looking forward to seeing the new 'slim-line' Keith (Bruce) unless the stomach improves in Singapore and he stuffs himself continuously.
Man With No Name
Guess you'll get to ready this when you get home. You should have told me you were in perth I have some old friends there. Debbi and Zeno (pronounced Dibbi and Zinno) Probably old friends because they are there. Thanks for all the pictures despite lack of totty though I notice little Mo on ther pull with some scuba diver. Rubber does it for me to Mo. It's quite obvious you've enjoyed yourselves. B'stards. I hate that. Laters
toodle pip.
Dave & Lin
Christ; thats come around a bit quick we were under the impression you were returning on 8th Feb, better replace the silver!!.
Well hope they let you in to enjoy your last maeal in Oss,We were watching a progranmme on Perth the other day about a young couple planning to move there and they were impressed by the area and housing but surprised by the high cost of living won,t belong before us poms will have to stay here and enjoy the wind and rain.
Man With No Life
G'day you Herbs, Been a bit behind lately. Monique in Hamburg have been like yourselves going LARGE. Well large for me. Dining out going to gym etc. I notice time is running out for you there in oss. Glass eight ninths empty. Bet the times gone quickly. So thought better bring you up to date with state of play here. it's wet wet wet and cold cold cold then some. More flood warnings, trains not running. Nothing changes does it. So much to look forward to. 4 richest nation in the world my ares. It's going to be a bit of a shock for you after all that summery stuff your used to. Thank you for the pics of birds. Not quite what I had in mind. Still as I've seen all the pics already it won't be quite the same. Some tax advice. Did you put writer as profession on your passport? Mo could be the photographer or whatever. You should have tried for a lottery grant. Might be able to claim retrospectively. Got to go, got some exciting paperwork to do. Bah Humbug
laters U's
Ruth, & Scott
A bit late i know but happy new year. How ya going? Still loving it hopefully, don't come back....not that we don't want to see you but at least we'll have an excuse to come to Oz for a holiday and visit you guys. Absolutely peeing down and windy as hell today so no need to come back anyway!
Ruth, Scott, Amelia, Felix, Mia & Casper (who is actually dead now) but just wanted to have more names than Spencer and Lynda!!!!!!!
Bald Fat Bloke
Day 179. Friday 11 Jan. Managed to drag myself away from work by 2pm so we could head off to Suffolk for the weekend. Looking forward to a short break after the excitement of Christmas! Sat on the M25 (just after the tunnel) for half an hour without moving until the fire brigade managed to clear the burnt out car. Eventually got to Yoxford (25m from Lowestoft) when the head gasket went on the car and had to call out the RAC to tow us home... Could have been worse - it could have gone on the way to father-in-law's funeral on Friday. Day 184. Tues 15 Jan. Slept a little last night - in between listening to the wind trying to rip the roof off. Took dog for a walk (or should I say swim) - the woods are all but flooded with muddy rivers flowing down every path. I wouldn't swap this life for anything... or would I.