Nadi, Fiji, South Pacific Ocean. After a 48 hour airport to airport ordeal we arrive bleary eyed and welcomed by 92 degree heat. We left Philippines smiling and happy having done some of the best diving we have ever done and also that after nine days our bar bill was only $152. We have spent that in a day on some cruises we have taken. Flying on Korean Air three hours and then another nine from Korea to Fiji I think we have watched every recently released movie Hollywood has to offer. I had my favorite Korean food Bibimbop that I always have on Korean Air. And as we were flying into Nadi we noticed how crystal clear the water was unlike the Philippine dark waters. We were ready for another adventure.
So while laying around the resort a couple of days, we did do some water aerobics just so we didn't feel too stagnate but our souls grew itchy for some adventure. Hmm, what is that in the sky? Parachutist! There we go, why not? So we signed up what a perfect Valentine's Day treat, push your loved one from a plane. We were picked up and headed for the parachute office where we signed our lives away so no relative could sue in case the chutes failed. We had well, no training at all, they tied us to some super seatbelts and we headed out to the airport. Fired up the plane and we were skyward in no time. We figured we would probably do this only once so we signed up for the highest height that the plane could take us, 14,000 feet.
We some encouraging words our flight instructors got us as comfortable as you can be when jumping from a plane. I told Ed my instructor that I was to be pushed no matter what. At 14,000 feet the door flew open and before I knew it Joy was gone and I was being drug to the door. A quick push and Earth bound I was, and if there is any experience that matches this I have never felt it. 120 mph in no time I searched the sky for Joy, she was thousands of feet below us already. If there is a drawback it would be that we were not connected to each other so we could share the moment as it was happening. About 8-9 minutes later we were both back on the ground and thanks to Tuck Hunter mouthy grins from ear to ear.
Like two school kids we bantered back in forth trying to wedge in our own story. Wanting to do it again but our vacation fund saying no, no, no! Our day had grown short and it was Valentine's Day! So in proper Keith and Joy order we sent for pizza delivery and had a Coke and Corona on our porch watching the sunset. Tomorrow is Wayward Wind day!
Here we are already on day two of Wayward Wind and would somebody please turn off the water! Arriving at Wayward Wind's home Marina we met our Skipper Aaron and Deck Hand Inasa. Within minutes we had untied WW and were ocean bound. First the bad news the wind of course was blowing the wrong way again. So motoring was our second choice to our first nights anchorage. Five and a half hours later we dropped anchor and it immediate started raining, but since the rain was cool and the seas warm Joy and I jumped overboard for a swim.
Once back onboard Joy had a warm shower and me a rain shower it was time for my much awaited lobster dinner. Aaron our Skipper was also quite the Chef. Pulling two lobsters out of the fridge as they were caught the day before we dined on Pacific Spiny Lobsters by candle light. Rocked to sleep by waves we woke to dark dreary skies. So we turned WW into the wind again for a 3 hour motor to the Lagoon where the movie "The Blue Lagoon" was filmed. Well its darker lagoon today as we sit here being pelted by wind and rains.
We did manage to catch a large Spanish mackerel and with our lunch taco's had some sashimi. I'll end this blog here as we are about to take a dip in between rain storms. Keith and Joy
- comments
Northcoasters We heard Joy's valentines words for for her valentine... Wishing you warm breezes, smooth seas, and sunny skies. Travel well and see you soon.
Chris and AnneMarie WOW!! Way to go Coopers!!