Child sacrifice eh!! It's a shame when old customs die out, don't you think?
We're off to Corfu to spend your inheritance.
Kik & Kaz
Hi Folkes, were now in sunny Peru, land of giant mountains, ruins of kings and very slow waiter service. Having a great time, just been to the city of Chan Chan, which is basically a huge ruin dating back to the 4th century. we visited a restored palace which is in the middle of the site which speads over 3 km squared. havent seen many LLamas yet but eyes are peeled ! tonight we are on an overnight bus to a city called Huaraz in the mountains ( Cordilla Blanca, dont you know ) to do some much needed trekking if Karens toe holds out after the Shark attack in ecuador. All very Indiana Jones !!!!
SPECIALLY FOR Mike and Mel, have a great time on Friday, well have a few Pisco Sours over hear for you ( the local tipple ) we hope all goes well.
Bum gone awol so not that much else to report apart from most hotels dont have seats on the tiolet in Peru, and buses dont have any !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOOD LUCK BUM on the new job and happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear bu-um, happy birthday to you.
All our love Keiran and Karenxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Auntie Marie Turner
This is so wonderful to share.... these photos are fantasic...thank you..xx love and god bless. xx
ohhh can u bring me one of those seals home they are soooooooo cute
Charles Darwin
Get yer own theory and keep off my patch.
Kik And Kaz
Okay you wanted more photos!
Weve just got back from our trip to the Galapagos Islands which was fanstatic.
After Banos we travelled to a nice city further south called Cuenca which is full of old churches and colonial buildings. Then we headed to a big city, Guayaquil, waiting for our flight to Galapagos.
We flew to the Islands last Friday and did a 4 day boat cruise round some of the islands (there are lots). You travel over night to the islands and spend the days walking round the islands amongst boobies (strange birds with blue feet, I´m sure they just paint their feet for the benefit of the tourists), albatroses, iguanas, pengiuns, sea lions etc. We went snorkelling with a sea lion (which was amazing they are so graceful uinder water), marine turtles, manta rays and needless to say lots of colourful fish. Kikky even saw a shark. After the boat trip we stayed on one of the islands for a few days to do some days trips but Karen managed to have a fight with a rock on our last but one day there and so has been nursing a bloody big toe ever since. Well we're telling people she was bit by a shark which sounds a bit more glam..So now we are back in Guayaquil and have checked into a half decent hotel so she can rest her manky foot til we are on the road again tomorrow. We are catching a bus to the coast to do some whale watching and then onto Peru so life is good.
Hope everyone is groovy, K & K xxx
More photo's! more photo's! feed us! feed us! C'mon, yer slacking!!
Hi Kieran and Karen, Angus just sent me the web site and Bridig told me all about your trip last week when she was in Ireland. I hope you have a great trip and I will keep an eye out for photos as well as your mother and father. Best of Luck
Tim & Adrienne
hi you guys, Keiran in case you are wondering who the hell linda is, I met up with you in a pub with your mum and maureen end of may en route to kings cross - yes that's right, I was the one with the sweaty red face!! anyway have been following your adventures and thought I'd just let you know I am reading all these clever witty messages your chums are sending you, I am neither witty nor clever but am thinking of you both and you seem to be having a great time. take care of yourselves. love, lindaxx
Mrs Melons
Hi K&K,
Just a quick message to say I hope you have a wonderful time when you visit the Galapagos Islands ;0)
Speak to you soon guys.
Love Emy
Hi guys! You probably only just arrived in Guayagill (how the h do you spell that?), we just got bored without you and therefore checked your website, haha. Looks good already and so many months to go still... You´ll meet loats of people, of which (too?) many will be Dutch, but we just wanted to let you know that if ever you are in Amsterdam again, you are really welcome. Let us know where the wind takes you and have FUN!
Nice meeting you! Love, Barbara and Walewijn
Keiran And Kazza
Just wanted to make sure that everyone back in London is safe and sound !