Fantastic post cards you can get out there! Cant wait to see some more TAKE GREAT CARE BOTH OF YOU ARA" BEST JIM & SHEILA
Thanks for the card chick. You've made an old man very happy, which is more than Stumpy ever did.
She's happy now she's got her baby back (do babies have beards?).
Is Keiran surviving - I haven't seen a single photograph of a Macdonalds yet?
Starsky & Hutch
Looks Sh*t!
Kik And Kaz
Hola everyone
We are now in a little place in the mountains called Baños, where we were supposed to be about one and a half weeks ago before the passport fiasco!
From Otovalo we stayed in an indigineous village about 2 miles from Otovalo, called Peguche and did our first little hike to a pretty waterfall (you can see the photos). From Peguche we headed back to Otovalo in preparation to get the bus back to Quito. We thought it was about time we did a proper trek so we hiked round the Cuicocha lake, a beautiful lake in a volcano crater. There are volcanos are all over this country! It was supposed to be a nice gentle amble round the lake, 4 hours later we were sunburnt and cream crackered but very smug( from the pics, we walked all round the high rim of the laguna ), it was well worth it. Our guide Luis put us to shame, whistling as he walked round in his demin jacket. Unfit gringos!
We finally went back to Quito and spent most of yesterday at the consulate and immigration getting our passport sorted but we´ve both got them now, at last. Yesterday afternoon we headed to Baños and have just signed up for a week of spanish so we might actually be able to make ourselves understood, apart from the intenational language of pointing (how British)!
Adios amigos xxx
Hey lovelies! Amazing photos - I am so impressed by all the dedication. Not much to report here......I'm just back from a week in Spain (ok not as impressive as you guys I know!) and since i have been back I have been haymaking. Talk about hot and heavy work! Take care of each other and speak soon, big hugs from Jools xxxx PS - Thanks so much for posting me your phone Kik, it has been great to have a mobile again : 0 )
Gary And Linda
Karen and Kieran
The web-site states your current location as Bromsgrove, Ecuador - that can't be right surely! Linda and I are chugging along - our big news is that Gregory is going on tour with the choir of Selwyn College, Cambridge to New Zealand in July - you're not heading that way are you? He should go up to Cambridge in October (got to get 3 'A's first!) - we hope he'll be OK.
All the best. Look forward to seeing more.
Gary And Linda
I see the fruit of my loins appears in many photo's, except 'Virgin of Quito'.
Any significance?
Dame Marie Turner..
Wonderful photos..!! after all the cockups all will be fine forward to the next issue..Enjoy.xx and look after each other. xx
Joey T
Hello beautiful people, I don't need to say enjoy yourselves, because you are. I don't need to say stay safe, because i know you will. But (and i've got a big BUTT!) Learn Spanish!!! Definately learn Spanish. Oh and your Jesus pic really made me chuckle ;) ps: So glad you got to stay in New York - GREAT isn't it!!! pps: Well done Rachey, told you you'd pass!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxMWAH! Love you guys.
Kik And Kaz
Hi All
Just a quicky to let you all know we are finally in the travelling spirit and off to far flung and exotic places.
Today we are sitting in the small town of Otavalo, Ecuador after travelling up here on a bus through some of the most stunning scenery we have ever seen.
The town is set in the mountains about 3000m up and even beats balmullo, Fife !!!!!
Karen and I are having a great time, and yesterday we walked through one of the biggest outdoor markets in the whole of the continent, for the first time ever I didn´t actually mind shopping !!!!
On the trip up we were treated to Commando ( Arnie Swarchennegggger ) in spanish, and have already been involved in a taxi crash with a souped up corsa ( Of course with Superman badges all over the car ??????? ) so things are pretty much as expected.
We both give everyone our love and hope you are all ok.
All our love
Keiran and Karen
I'm not in Equador nor have I passed anything wityh a distinction, I am sitting in a dreary office in Southall looking out at the rainclouds and a lot of concrete! Hopefully by now you have headed South and are using all that Spanish you have been learning for years. Can't belive you have finally made it. Have fun. Jan xx
Hello my dears,
You've had a few interesting days then!!! Nevermind, if you get all the bad luck out the way at the begining, the rest should be plain sailing.
By the way, I got my results for my dissertation yesterday - I got 76%, which by my calculations (which hopefully are right) means that overall I have PASSED my MA and am now a proud owner of a first class MA with honours!!! How good is that?!