Glad your having a great time exploring South America. Your Mum will be glad to know I've sent this message. My son did the same thing two years ago and I know what its like to know everyone is safe and well. He was not as adventurous as you two are. He and his girlfriend did Australia, New Zealand, Bali and Thailand. Take care. I'll enjoy my guiness with your Mum and Dad at tea time tonight in the Balmullo Inn.
Graeme & Gillian.
Kik And Kaz
Hey everyone, after wrestling alligators and anacondas in the pampas of Bolivia, we have decided to take it easy for a while and hold up in a city called Sucre, where for the next week we will be back to school again to study more spanish. Oh Joy !!! Sucre is lovley and so we are staying in a reasonably nice hotel as when we go next to argentina it will be much more expensive so from now on we will probably be sharing rooms with coacroaches etc. Everything here is pretty cool and we are both well, hope everone back home is as well. All our love K and K
Daddykins & Mummykins
2 Weeks and no photo's!!!! Your slacking!!! Feed us!! Feed us!!! Feed us!!! C'mon - Feed us!!!
John Wood
Your Dad told me about your website so thought I'd take a look - very impressive bet you wont want to come home - wire Dad to send more money. Our Peter was in Venezuela in June seeing his girlfriend who was working our there for 6 months and had a fabulous time especially seeing the Angel Falls. Try and include this in your trip.
Kik And Kaz
Hi all, thanks for the concern David, I´m all well again, and ready to wrestle anaconda´s in the jungle. Keep up the good lifesaving, kik.
Finally recovered from the Canyon trek and we are arrived in Bolivia last week. We are staying in La Paz (the capital), ready to do a trek in the jungle next week. We spent our last week in Peru by Lake Titicaca, did a 2 day trip to some of the islands on the Lake, some made out of reeds -very cool and stayed on one of the islands with a family for a night. Got dressed up by the locals in traditional gear and headed to the local hall for a little fiesta in our honour. Not sure the conga is a very traditional dance, but good fun all the same.
Hope everyone is well
Love K & K xxx
David Hasselhoff
Hey, here's hoping you get well soon Kik. Call me sometime when you're better. David xxx
Rob And Lou
Looking amazing guys. Very jealous. Love the Inca trail stuff - we have really got to do that one day soon. How did those crazy inca guys live all the way up there??!! Getting water for a cup of tea and shower must have been such a pain in the arse! Lots of love. Rob & Lou x
Mr Ben Nanjing
I can't believe how much you two moan about having to do 4hr trecks at 2am....
...looks like your guide Selistini did it with one leg!!!!
Any Golden Condors yet....
The Trekkers
WERE ALIVE !!!!!!!!!!! just got back from the hardest thing I have ever done in my life !!! Went to colca Canyon which is the deepest canyon in the world, some 1.3 km straight down, and what did we decide to do but walk down it, stay a couple of nights, trekk along it and then get up at 2 in the bloody morning and climb to the top. And the best part........we paid to do it? seriously what a brilliant experience, met some really nice people ( fransisco and cristobal from belgium ) and had a really nice/funny guide in Selistini, who called me Peter all the time as the poor bloke couldnt pronounce my name. the walking/climbing was really hard, not only straight up a bloody mountain, but at 3000m the altitude kills you as well. On the third night really didnt think we would make it up at all let alone in the time we done it in, so all in all a fabulous experience and very proud of ourselves. Next up, Lake Titicaka ( he he ) the highest lake in the world and on to Bolivia.
Hope everyone is cool and dandy. lots of love to you all K & K
David Attenborough
Im confused. I thought Butch Karen & The Bumdance Kid went to Bolivia, not Peru.
Plus Ring-tailed Lemurs are supposed to be in Madagascer, not South America.
There could be a series in this.
So, as you know, I've been reading about the Nazca lines for YEARS. Jesus fookin' lordy lordy lordy goerdie (eh?)..... your pictures... YOUR pictures of the monkey, the spider, the hummingbird.. oh my Dog......(i'm an atheist) - seeing those beats anything I've ever looked at in books or online. Just knowing you two have actually seen them with your own little peepers makes me SO excited and happy. :)
Love you, stay safe, take it all in and don't forget to notice all the little things around you too.
(Like kiks willy, for example, tee hee)
BIG hugs. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
PS: Congratulations to Mike and Mel... great wedding pics!
AAAAAND to Lash and Toshi!! Yay!! Can you imagine how gorgeous their little coochy-coo critter will be!!
That's such great news. Awe, I've gone all slushy now like a little slushy thing made of slush n stuff. :)
Benji The Wonder Dog
In a word...
The Nazca lines look incredible. I remember seeing them on the BBC recently and thinking how fecking amazing they are...not only because they look impressive but the fact that indigenous people who couldn't fly or see them from high up created them. Why? Aliens? Mystical Rituals? Advertising contracts? We may never know...but either way I'm very jealous. Let me know if you find your way into a temple and activate the Golden Condor. Mendoza, Mendoza!!!
Well you've been gone over 3 months and it probably seem's like ages for you guys... But trust me it's not. In fact it only seems like yesterday Kaz was trying to raise a comatose Keiran from our living room floor on the day you were flying.
Remember kids your doing stuff that some of us can only dream about doing whilst we're stuck in crappy England (still I guess we've got Stonehenge!!!). Keep at it, keep exploring and enjoy all the experiences both good and bad because when you get back you'll only want to go again and the photos, happy memories but never as good as the real thing.
We're all missing you loads yet at the same time so happy your gone (In a good way ;o)