Everyone has been nagging us to update our blog, ok actually I think they've just been nagging me.
Most people have worked out by now that its just me updating these blogs. Duncan wants to I'm sure....... we all know what he's like.
As I was saying, everyone's been nagging me to update this more often and normally I tell them I haven't been doing anything worth updating anyone on. But then I thought, well actually whilst we've slipped into 'Life in London' if I think about I probalby have some stuff worth sharing. The stuff I now take for granted that is maybe (or maybe not) intereting to all the kids back home.
In case you didn't get it by now, this is going to be a rambling blog, so if you're after adventourous tales tune out now, but if you just want to hear a bit about London (and don't mind sifting through the spelling mistakes) read on...............
So I guess I'm still noticing all the things that make this place so English. For example, I made a big arse out of myself at work by stating quiet loudly that I was sick of my shoe eating my pants. Why does that make me an arse? Because pants here are undies and trousers are actually pants. Get it? Oh and I learnt very early to NEVER EVER call thongs, thongs, they're flip flops. Your boss looks at you funny when you ask if you can where thongs on casual Fridays.
Oh, and you can't get low fat cheese here - Vegimite, yes. Real milo, yes, Fosters, yes (sadly) but low fat cheese, no. I'm not sure what to do about this one yet. I don't think it will post well. So if anyone is coming this way..........
Oh, some people will have got my email a couple of weeks ago raving about the summer weather we had. Notice the use of the word had there? Yea that's cause it's over. Two weekends ago it was all 29 degrees and sunshine, but today it was about 16 degrees, windy as all get out then this evening the rain returned. I know I know I know, England isn't known for its good weather, but come on. 2 weeks of summer? Honestly? I wouldn't mind so much if the shops sold a little more than bikini's and sun dresses - talk about denial.
Oh, here's something else that might be a little bit interesting (or not) where ever you go in London (and the surrounding area) you seem to be in a flight path to some airport. Which I guess makes sense when you work out there are 5 airports surrounding London. Duncan and I sat at Clapham Common a couple of weeks about and at one stage, counted 9 planes in the sky at once. It was actulaly a great place to watch them, they're on the decent into Heathrow and some are quiet close to the ground. Pretty cool to watch. I'm so used to the noise of planes now I don't even look up. That and sirens. Everywhere.
Had my first ride on a double decker bus today, but it was pretty disapointing. It was really full so I coudn't go up the top. I had to stand. No one wanted to sing the wheels on the bus song and when i did get a seat (down the bottom, not up the top where I'm sure people would have wanted to sing the wheels on the bus son) it was next to the smelly crazy man who was a little too worried about his shopping cart.
After that I'm not sure if it's worth trying to catch a bus again, even if I can get a seat up in the top part.
So I guess there is an update. To be honest I don't expect things to get terribly exciting for a few weeks yet. Then bring on Munich, Oktoberfest, beer. We'll let you know how it goes.
Oh, by the way. Whilst you're all so good at nagging me about updating this blog, you're not so good at posting us any messages or sending emails unless it's to nag me. So how about some of you pull your finger out............
- comments
Alexander Great party! Really appreciate the inivte. Btw, thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. Hope you can link up also in my Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop
Juliane Hi, I linked to your party (I think) Edible Wreath. However, I could not grab your butotn when I try to select all it selects the whole page, not just the html I am new to this blogger thing, but I have been able to grab butotns in the past? Sorry