I'm back in Melbourne! Laura and I got here after a day or so in Cairns where we basically just plodded around, did some shopping, ate more food and gained even more weight (that ends now!!)..sadly we didn't have time to do the Great Barrier Reef, or Cape Tribulation.. but that was a sacrafice we made in order to come back to Melbourne. Which was totally worth it!
After stressing at the airport (really thinking we'd missed our flight as the gate was closed, only to find out a minute later that it was just delayed - sorry about that Laura!!) we got into Melbourne about 12.15am and Laura's friend Ennis picked us up. We thought we were staying at his, but he was very busy with work so he let us stay at his girlfriends place who is currently in London. Sounds good, but was actually AMAZING, the apartment was so nice, would cost about 500,000 if in London. It was sooo good to have a comfy bed, clean fridge, clean bathroom..a tv! caught up a bit on neighbours...
We headed into town on the tram and didn't bother buying a ticket, as we never did before.. these heavy looking guys got on the tram with these shiny badges and Laura and I looked at each other knowing exactly what each other were thinking! 'Tickets please..' f***. So we donned our best British accent (think Oliver Twist, 'please sir') and played extremely dumb.. 'Oh, we were told the trams were free!' After lots of acting (incredible acting I must say) we were let off and told that next time it would be a $160 fine. Definitely buying tram tickets from now on.
We had lunch and then descended upon Flinders Street to the Neighbours shop and.......I went on the tour again. Ooops. In all fairness, it was for Laura, who hadn't done it last time. and I'm so glad I did it again. The weather was so much better, and we got taken to more places than before..we went to the studios and saw grease monkeys and the car mechanic place. I was having my picture taken by the car that Susan drove to run over Bridget (good on her I say), and suddenly I hear cries of ' that......??' I look over and....SUSAN KENNEDY IS STANDING RIGHT THERE. SUSAN KENNEDY. THE LEGEND, THE ONE AND ONLY PERSON WHO WILL STAND BY KARL AFTER ALL HIS WRONGDOINGS. Life was complete!! She is actually so tiny and so so skinny, it's a bit yuck! But she was lovely. Got some autographs and pictures (definitely putting them up soon!).
We headed back home after that as it was quite a long day, and Ennis took Laura and I out for a lovely meal. Had my two favourite things: Gnocchi and pesto! yum yum. Ennis is a really nice guy and paid for the whole thing..bit too generous like that! We went to bed early as the next day we had borrowed Ennis' car to take a trip to the Great Ocean Road (pic with this blog).
We only went wrong once on the way there (tom tom was wrong I swear, my navigation is great!), and managed to get to Lorne in about 2 hours which was pretty good going. We had a nice lunch, took in the scenery and drove the long and winding roads around the coast which were incredible. Laura drove the majority of the way, but I had a sneaky drive, and the car was sooo smooth to drive, better than blessed Regina (who is still with the criminal family as far as I know!). When making our way home, the GPS decided not to pick up any signal! So I had to map read and navigate the whole way home... didn't go wrong once, wayhey! I am the best at mapreading, officially. Usually I can't be bothered to do it, so I guess..not any more.
That evening Laura and I went out to Brunswick St. We started at some dodgy pub, then went onto an even dodgier pub (it was 90's night, cue Bewitched, Five, Backstreet Boys..!), I was loving it, but when Laura hadn't come back from the loo for about 20 minutes I went to check on her and she'd fallen asleep, mobile in hand, mid text! Hottie. We quickly left the annoying people we'd met and ran to the night cat, a good bar with a good band.
The next day, headaches in tow, we went to Bridge Street in Richmond which is great for little quirky shops. I got a beautiful dress (albeit a bit big, mum I'm counting on you to make some adjustments, ta!) for only $19 (about 9 pounds). It took us a while to get there, my navigational skills not so good this time, but it took us a quarter of the time to get back, so we caught up on some sleep before Ennis picked us up as we were to stay at his that night. That was last night, I went to bed early as I've not been feeling so great recently, and was up super early as Laura had an early flight back to Cairns to go to NZ. I made my way to the hostel I was in before...and here I am! Think today I'm going to sleep sleep sleep. Try and make some friends. I'm a bit anxious about not having the girls with me, but I've been on my own before, so I know it's easily done..just hope there's some decent people in my room (which was half empty this morning, boo).
Sorry if this blog is a bit incoherant, I'm in a massive daze and don't feel good at all. Bed I think.
Til the next time......lots of love xxxxx
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