Again, not in Cairns..still in Airlie Beach, waiting for the 2am bus to take me on the 12 hour journey up to Cairns. I will be so happy when these long bus journeys are done - I used to complain about the 2.5 hour journey up to Nottingham! Ah!
We got back from our Whitsundays trip about 3pm this afternoon..I want to gush and say how AMAZING, AWESOME and INCREDIBLE it was as I seem to with most other activities..but apart from being a lot of fun, and a beautiful place, I found it to be a bit crap! We paid a lot of money for not very much at all. I didn't bother, but apparently the snorkelling was crap, we sat on a boat that was being thrashed around all day - more people were sick than not - and the only activity we really did was go onto Eastern Beach for an hour or so. Which, granted, was a stunning beach, the whitest sand I've ever seen, but it was just as good as those in Thailand..god, I sound like such a spoilt little cow! Stop me now!!
Ok, so what I loved! I loved the company, I loved the evenings and I loved our little rooms. We were with a lot of people who we did the Fraser Island trip so we spent a lot of time with them all and met new people as well. We have been with 2 german guys, Andreas and Philip who are hilarious!! Everyone is so friendly it's great - apart from these two horrible (and obese) english girls, first they told Ema she had a 'f***ed up' accent (from Leeds living in London) and secondly, me and Em walked past them before dinner, I said hello, as you do to EVERYONE you pass by, and they looked at me as though I was something off the bottom of their obese flip flop!! Grr.
Anyway, the first night was just a messy one, I'm never drinking beer and raspberry cordial again after this trip! and definitely never drinking GOON again..arghhh! The second night we were given garbage bags and told to make an outfit out of them..there were white and black ones..first we were debating super heros or ninjas..but then we had the BEST idea..if you've seen Zoolander you will love it, if not, you will think we are very odd, but we made 'nice' tops and headbands and were DERELICTE! (Basically it is a clothing line made out of garbage). Awesome eh!
One of the highlights of the trip was seeing sea turtles swim around and pop their heads up now and then - they're massive! Oh and our 'hostie' on the boat was a complete muppet, and english, and found out she was only 19! taking orders and abuse from that! Please!!
Tonight, as I said, we're waiting for the 2am bus..we've stored our bags in a room, gone and had dinner...killing time basically. Me and Laura are heading to Cairns in order to get our flight to Melbourne on the 28th, and the girls are getting off a few hours earlier in Mission Beach. It's going to be very weird without them, especially in NZ. I'm gonna miss them tonnes :( Oh, I also brought forward my flight to NZ by 5 days in order to get some extra time there as only had 3.5 weeks! Now I will also be able to meet the girls in Taupo and do a skydive together! I've also decided to do a bungy jump from Nevis in Queenstown, the highest in the world...whether I go through with it is a different story, so watch this space, we will know in about a month!
Speaking of months/time frames...just how quick is this trip going?! I can't believe I'm in my last week or so of Australia, when getting here seemed so far away..I'm gonna seriously miss this place, would strongly recommened anyone to come here, live here, anything! People and places are just so lovely......obviously not as good as england though ;)
Anyway, til the next blog. Lots of love xxxxxx
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