I got to Melbourne at about 6am on Wednesday morning and as soon as I got off the plane I was BLOODY FREEZING! The shorts and t-shirt was now a very bad choice having been an excellent one for the past 6 weeks..
Despite the cold, I powered through and waited for my bag. It took aaages but it was ok because I was thoroughly entertained by the old Indian lady getting harrassed my sniffer dogs because of the endless bits of food she had hidden in her bag! Banana leaves, herbs, tonnes of obscure stuff I guess she thought she wouldn't get in Australia...she was about 90! So funny.
Anyway, got the bus into town and got to see the sunrise on the way in which was really nice. Arrived at my hostel and instantly knew it was going to be reminded me of an old school B&B in the Yorkshire moors run by an elderly couple who have recently retired.. I was greeted by the oldest dude ever (who was actually quite sweet) and shown to my room and I slept for hoursss.
After waking from my post-flight slumber I walked into town and just had a quick look around before going back home and being SO BORED by everyone in there, well, the 2 people I saw. GOD IT WAS SO AWFUL I NEARLY CRIED. WHY WAS THIS PLACE A MINIMUM TWO NIGHT STAY, WHY OH WHY?!?!
The next day I had planned to meet a school friend for lunch so I woke up and...oh look, RAIN! GREAT! So I put on my..t-shirt, hoodie, scarf and waterproof! Such a difference to the attire I had on just the day before..grr. Made my way in on the tram, it was really nice to see a familiar face. Later on I bumped into Kylie which was really strange! So I spent the rest of the day shopping with the girls and hung about at their hostel for a bit, and booked myself in for the next day.
This morning I packed up and left the hell hole hostel and came to Bakpackers Hotel...and on my way over, I bumped into Mel Constantinou, a friend from school! CRAZY. I knew she was going to be in Melbourne soon, but to bump into someone from the Melbourne...!
I met up with the girls and we made our way to the Eureka Tower which has the highest observation deck in the Southern hemisphere..we went up to the 88th floor (the lift took something like 38 seconds) and the views were amazing, despite the rain. But the rain soon left! And we got nice clear views.. you could also go in this cube thing, where it moves out of the building and the floor is made of clear glass! It's scary as hell but sooo awesome. We wernt allowed to take pictures in that bit sadly, but bought one of the ones that they take for you so will have to show you all back home to prove I actually did it!!
Anyway, net time running out, off to Brunswick Street tonight to have some fun!! Friday night n'all.....
Lotsa love xxxxxxxxxx
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