If you ever go/have been to Fiji you will have heard bula about a million times! It's basically a greeting that means hello/welcome/hows it going. I think! Very cute as everyone says it, and the Fijians are perhaps the friendliest people in the world, so lovely.
I got here late on the 5th and made my way to Nadi Bay Hotel where I bumped into Martin from uni which was cool. I was knackered though so only had a quick drink and headed for bed to make the 7.15am pick up to the port, Derenau, to get the bus up to the islands.
Luckily I also bumped into two girls, Chloe and Neena, from the Kiwi bus and decided to go up to Coral View Island with them for 3 days. It's a 5 hour boat ride but totally worth it as the island and the people were lovely. Sadly it was cloudy on our second day, and the first day was ruined by three awful english girls and 3 awful american boys but luckily they left the day after. I'm still enraged about how RUDE, SELFISH and INCONSIDERATE they were. Argh! This one grudge will never leave! I saw the American's on the boat a few days later and did the most postively rude English thing I could imagine - I stuck my nose in the air whilst walking past. Oh yeah. Don't mess.
After 3 lovely days in Coral View I made my way south to White Sandy Beach (one of the only islands that wasnt booked up). It started ominously as only one other person got off the boat, and when being led to our rooms presumed that we were on our frickin honeymoon or something, gave us a double bed and directed us to 'honeymoon beach'. Ummm... no thanks lovely Fijian lady, we have known each other for about 5 minutes and I have no interest in spending ANY time on a beach full of honeymooners. Thanks!
White Sandy Beach was beautiful, but it was completely scarce of human life form. Booooring. Electricity only came on from 6-10pm, so that was something to look forward to so I could charge my iPod. I ended up going to bed at 8.30pm. Riveting stuff. However the next day, the chef, Sam, told me I was 'good looking, sweet, white girl' who he would like to settle down with, and asked for my email address and whether I could send him a jazz cd from England. Yeah sure why not. Shame he was about 50 and had about 3 teeth left. I always get the good ones, I can sense the jealously from you all!
Suprisingly I was quite eager to get off WSB and boarded the boat for Bounty Island, home to Celebrity Love Island. This was a more expensive resort, and was totally worth it! It was stunning, people were lovely, and the food was incredible. Civilisation existed here too, more than 3 people were around! On my second night I met a lovely girl called Emma who was also travelling by herself so that was nice to have some company that wasnt a couple, or a group of friends (since I've been nearing the end of my travels, the energy to be all happy/chatty when meeting new people has sincerely diminshed - hasnt helped that I've had a small case of the flu, I sound like fag ash lil on 60 a day).
The lovely people at ITV left the Celebrity Love Island set on the island, so there was a swimming pool, sun loungers and a hall reminiscent of Christ Church Hall...echoey and a little eery at night! Shame the pool was bloody freezing and cold only manage to dip a toe in.
I ended up spending 2 wonderful nights at Bounty but had to make my way back to Nadi as my Bula pass ran out on Saturday..sadly I have 4 nights at Aquarius, which is a nice pleasant place but the mainland is nowhere near as nice as the islands, and there is nooooooothing to do. Luckily found 2 girls from the Kiwi bus on the next hostel along but otherwise have been reading, eating, reading, reading, with a bit of sunbathing mixed in. Sounds nice and relaxing but 11 days of it is....yeah. Is it not obvious why this blog has had more effort put into it than any other from the last 2 months?! I can't wait to get to America, DISNEY!! then Vegas! Then NYC! Seems unreal that my last stretch is upon me...WEIRRRRRRD WEIRD WEIRD but can't wait. CANT WAIT!
Wish me luck for the next few days! Still annoyed that I have to fly back into Auckland to then fly onto LA (thanks again STA, you are a great bunch of people.)
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