Well, since I've last blogged I've been to Koh Tao and back again to Koh Samui, but staying at a different beach this time, the Big Buddah beach. Which sucks! Full of building sites and we're staying right underneath the flight path, I got woken up thinking we were under attack!
So last Tuesday I went over to Koh Tao to meet the girls who I travelled Vietnam with. After a long boat journey over from Samui (the engine needs medicine it is breaking!) I arrived at Sairee Beach and joined the girls in a small beach hut which was about 30 seconds walk from the sea. Lovely stuff. Only 200 baht a night, but the room got sooo hot and sadly the toilet was a flush it yourself one.. but hey, get what you pay for! I made it bearable by sleeping with a wet flannel on my forehead and trying to direct the fan on the other side of the room my way!
Most of our days in Koh Tao were spent sunbathing and trying to cool down in the (warm) sea. Koh Tao is the most beautiful place I have ever been's not touristy at all like Koh Samui (ie no McDonalds!) and Sairee Beach area is just linked by one long but narrow path by the seafront (which leads to dodging bikes all the time, got slightly annoying) and there are very few touristy places, lots of bars and restaurants and generally just a really relaxing and gorgeous place.
The girls decided that they wanted to go snorkelling! Now if you know me at all you will know my intense fear of anything from the sea..I detest fish. They make me feel sick! But as Koh Tao is THE divers island, I thought I may as well go I paid in full and forced myself to go. And I'm glad I did! At first I was a bit panicky, but I got into it and saw AMAZING coral and sea bed, and some pretty fish. There were some amazing colours, and in one bay, if you stayed still long enough there was a chance of seeing some sharks! Sadly I didn't but some of the girls did..luckyyy.. another part of the snorkelling trip was to stop at an island called nyguen something.. it means Vietnamese Lady in Thai. It was beautiful, two islands linked by a small patch of sand! Very very hot headed for the shade!
Koh Tao also gave me the delight of seeing a Ladyboy cabaret show. Simply amazing. Some of the ladboys were STUNNING, others were RANK. They basically dressed up (some grad like, some prom-queen like) and sang along to songs such as Abba, Kylie.. at the end they asked people to come on stage so stupidly I got up, they put my in a horrific dress and some massive headress and I felt like an utter fool! Fun though. The pics are quite entertaining..
Got the boat back to Samui this morning and have a room all to myself! And the resort has a swimming pool! Yay! And a tv in the room! and a fridge! Awesome! It's just a shame it's so quiet here.. I currently have a little Thai girl (about 7?) pulling out my arm hair and laughing at how fast I type! Chaaaaaaarming! She is very very cute though (apart from the hair pulling) and keeps showing me her wobbly tooth!
Going to get a good nights sleep tonight as tomorrow is the FULL MOON PARTY at Koh Phangan. Everyone's heard horror stories but I'm sure it will be just massive amounts of fun! Neon paint and Samsong buckets (pic above!). Princess Beatrice was at the last one so if she can go and be ok, I'm sure I can!!
Anyway best get to bed then..hope you're all well. lots of love xxxxxx
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