So I'm now in Koh Samui which is the bottom of the three islands (Ko Tao, Koh Phangan and Samui) on the East coast.
I'm finding it hard to recollect what I've done the past few days since I last wrote so bear with! We moved into the D&D Inn in Bangkok after the tour finished which was on the Koh San Road (centre of nightlife/fun/backpackers) which was a really nice place, and it had a pool!! But for some stupid reason didnt use it...
So to soak in the culture, we ventured over to the lovely air conditioned McDonalds! Sitting there sweating and in comes Rose and Kylie (two of the girls I met in Vietnam). They're staying just behind my hotel which was ace so I met up with them later and have arranged to meet up again in Koh Tao tomorrow, where we are apparently going diving(!).
The stay in Bangkok was pretty chilled out. Went to MBK (massive shopping centre, even bigger than bluewater!), walked around and basically did not much at all, but was nice to relax after the abundance of temples and the like. Also had a Thai massage which was really nice, painful at times though! I booked a 'VIP' Sleeper bus with Pat and Cam down to Koh Samui for the next day which was possibly the worst journey I've had yet. Door to door, 19 hours..and the VIP part can actually GET STUFFED as it was hideously uncomfortable, the reclining seat was actually worse than being upright. Luckily half way into the journey lots of people got off and I managed to get 2 seats to myself and actually sleep! But it was the sleep when you wake up with your head back and gob wide open.. sexy.
So in Koh Samui we are staying at The Wave which is really nice. We have an awesome room with 2 levels and a DVD player!! Scrubs has been tried and tested, works extremely well and has sorted my addiction for a few more weeks.
The best thing about the place though, is the JACKET POTATO AND BAKED BEANS!! I dont know why, but i've been craving it pretty much since Vietnam and oh my gooooooooood it was amazing. So good.
Most days we have just been going to the beach, which is beautiful, the sea is clear and warm..gorgeous! Tan is coming along slowly but surely, still got dodgy tan lines though. Working on it.
It's also Thai new year here, called Songkran, and the way to celebrate this is by chucking water at everyone (washes away bad luck apparently!). You cannot walk down the street without getting soaked, which is great during the day as it's so hot, but we went out 2 nights ago and got absolutely drenched! Last night was spent going to bars trying to avoid being soaked..
That's it for now I think! Leaving for Koh Tao tomorrow and so ends my stint with the Aussie boys which has been awesome. Til the next time...
Lotsa love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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