I'm killing time before leaving for my flight to Melbourne, sitting in a little internet cafe in Little India.
Since the last blog, I made my way to Singapore by bus. The bus was supposed to take 5 hours, but my bus ended up taking 9 hours. This was because our bus got detained at customs on the border because someone had left a carton of cigarettes onboard. Laaame. Was quite funny when all the Malaysians/Singaporians (is that actually what they're called?!) started blaming the Muslim guy. "Aaah yes it was Muslim man, definitely.."
So after a hideous journey (even though the seats were massive and almost fully reclining) I arrived in Little India and started my mission to find a hostel. Luckily found one with a spare bed at S$18 a night..kinda know why it was the only one with space was a dump! Standard hostel which was fine, but the people running it were SUCH arrogant ar*eholes. They were all American and preached a 'holier than thou' attitude and really really got on my nerves..luckily Kiera and Nick managed to get a bed at the nicer hostel down the road so I spent time there that wasnt spent out and about!
That evening we went for a curry at the local stands, and it was the best curry I've ever had! Delicious..I had a chicken masala with nan and rice and it came to S$8 (which is about 2.30) and the portions were pretty generous! And no Dheli Belly, phew!
The next day I met again with Kiera and Nick and we headed to Orchard Road, the equivalent of our Oxford Street. It has about 15 shopping malls along it, some of them full of rubbish, to the extreme opposite - malls full of Gucci, Prada, Cartier etc..needless to say didn't bother going to those ones! They had a mall with lots of English shops such as Warehouse, Topshop, FCUK, even Dorothy Perkins..but they were exactly the same prices at home so obviously can't afford that!
We had to leave shopping early as we had to catch the 2pm bus to THE ZOO!!!! Singapore zoo is officially amazing. It's not like other zoo's I've been to, the animals arent as enclosed, if they really wanted to, they could escape..(unless there's an invisible electric fence around the place) obviously the hippos, tigers etc were kept at a distance, but animals such as monkeys were free to roam quite a large and near area. The orangutans were so awesome, the baboons bums were quite possibly the most disgusting thing I've ever seen..looked like a disgusting, huge, red and purple fungus. Ugh! We watched lots of feeding times, the jaguars were the a video of that but it's ages long so doubt any of you will be interest in that!!
We got the bus back eventually and headed to China Town on the MRT. The MRT is actually incredible. It's the Singapore underground system (called Mass Rapid Transit) and it is so clean and efficient, completely different to the tube.
We had a meal in the local stalls again which was gorgeous, I tried dumplings for the first time and they were delicious! No wonder I've put on weight..there's so much awesome food over here. After dinner we headed toward the Riverside (which is the picture up the top) and had a drink at HOOTERS. Oh yeah. The first one in Asia. Nottingham also has the only one in England, so I'm doing well with visiting lone Hooters. NB: Must visit Hooters in USA.
Today I spent most of the day walking around Orchard Road again, trying to find some bargains..but no. Did buy an external iPod battery, but it didn't work! Boo! So had to take it back which is always a bloody hassle.. Ooh I did get talking to a girl at the MRT who happened to be a friend back homes girlfriend, which was very odd..probably would never have met her back home, but we meet in Singapore?! Loving the randomness, I've met so many people who know people who I know etc..
Oh, also, Singapore is supposed to be one the cleanest cities in the world. It is pretty clean, in the centre, definitely not in Little India, at all, but today I was walking along and kicked something by mistake and it was a chickens foot! NOICE. Even better that I was wearing flipflops. Which have come to the end of their life sadly, a hole has appeared..RIP flipflops, you have accompanied me on an Asian adventure..I feel sad that they will not see Australia. Which I am leaving for in 3.5 hours! WOOHOO.
Can't believe I'm done in se Asia! It's been an amazing 6 weeks. I want to go back already and do Loas, Vietnam and Cambodia all over again. Sob sob.
Next stop..Melbourne..first port of call..Ramsay Street. xxxxx
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