It's been a long time since I updated and in that time i have done the cambodia tour which was awesome.
Started in Phnom Penh after a quick flight from Ho Chi Minh City which was surprisingly painless and i managed to do it all on my own! Amazing. I met up with the other Gecko's people the following night, all of them except for 2 others (a Swiss couple) were Aussies, which could've gone either way..but it was cool, most of them are awesome. First night we went for a meal to this NGO (Non-Government organisation) restaurant called Friends, where they take kids off the street and train them to be chefs/waiters etc. It was a nice place and good to get to know some of the group. We then tried to find somewhere to go out but it all seemed pretty dead.........
The next day we went to the Royal Palace, I think? I've seen so many friggin temples/palaces I don't know whats what and i will not be sad at all if I never see one again. All I remember from this one was the flowers on some of the trees were called Canon balls..hence lots of Anchor Man quoting which was entertaining!! I presume in the afternoon, or the next day, we went to S21 and The Killing Fields. This was pretty horrific and the pictures I got are all quite eery, they had pictures of lots of the victims, and one section was just all kids which was so sad. The Khmer Rouge wanted to exterminate anyone who was educated/of high society/not poor (very basic, but along those lines) and they killed them in horrific ways, even with kids, they would throw them in the air and either shoot them, or catch them on a spear (to save bullets).
First we went to S21 which was a prison, formerly a high school, where they detained people, kept them in awful conditions before sending them to The Killing Fields, about 10/15 minutes away by bus. When arriving they would play music so they couldn't hear the others being tortured/shot. the first thing you see is a high tower, and it's filled with hundreds of skulls from a small percentage of the victims. You walk round the corner and there are loads of dug up's pretty awful. You can still see the victims clothes/bones in the ground that you are walking on. Our guide (who by the way was the most boring person in the world...) mentioned that there are lots of graves that havent and wont be interred...
So after a sombre day like that it's always good to go out on the piss!! We went to a few bars (Pink Elephant! Where the 3 aussie guys did Irish carbombs - Guiness, Baileys and jameson..- which made me want to puke just watching) and then onto a club called the heart of darkness. Awesome fun, lots of prostitutes and we even caught a fellow tour member (single and quite a bit older than the rest..) getting a very suspicious head massage off a local Cambodian bloke... he turned up at the hotel at 5.30am having had the crap beaten out of him. Apparently it was by the cops, for what reason...we can all make an educated guess!
Next day was a looong bus journey (I'm becoming accustomed to them now) to Siem Reap, home of Angkor Wat. We got there about 3.30pm and were to head off to the Angkor Wat region to climb up some mountain with ruins and watch the sunset. Lovely idea in theory but it was cloudy so didnt see a bloody sunset! Nice views though..
Next morning we went to see Angkor Thom (I think) and Angkor Wat. It was INSANELY HOT (whinging pom...) and I was sweating profusely. There were lots of different temples, you could get elephants to take you around but they looked so pissed off and sad! Poor elephants...
Again, amazing sights and pretty incredible that they managed to transport and construct that stone all those years ago. There are lots and lots of doorways at Angkor Wat, I think i took too many pictures of them...... speaking of pictures I can't seem to upload any anywhere without extreme difficulty!! VERY ANNOYING. Oh and my camera battery ran out as soon as we arrived at the main temple which was AWESOME. Got some pics on my phone tho..
That evening we went to Angkor What?, a bar in town that serves drinks by the bucket full, after a few drinks on the roof terrace at the hotel. From what I remember it was an awesome night!! There is a street in Siem Reap called Bar Sreet that's quite small but has lots of bars and restaurants, much much fun. These Aussies definitely know how to drink and I'm ashamed to say I let the poms down by being thoroughly hungover the next day! Luckily it was a free day so no trips wasted, just spent it in bed..that was fun. Still managed to drag my arse out that evening but not too much was drank thank god!
Next day was off to Bangkok. Another hideous journey, the road in Cambodia to the border is SICK and so bumpy, I was sat at the back so had rucksacks falling on me every now and then, but managed to get some kip (thank god for my ipod..)
Arrived in Bangkok about 5.30, it's really weird coming from like, Cambodia and Vietnam, because it is so Westernised here. The traffic is heavy, there are shops everywhere, it's pretty awesome. Went to the koh Soan road (think that's how its spelt..) and had dinner which was s***e and kept me up all night! Yum! Hopefully we wont take advice from a certain tw*t again and go somewhere decent tonight..
Went to more bloody temples/palaces today, the one in the picture with this blog. It was cool but I felt like s***e with my dodgy tum and it was insanely hot. did go to Wat pho (i think??) and see a MASSIVE buddah having a kip which was verrrry cool. That kinda made the trip worth it.
I have separated myself from the group this afternoon to sort stuff out (i.e laundry, blog!) but now going to venture out and do some shopping.. hopefully won't leave the blogs so late again as it's quite hard trying to remember what i've done as so much is packed in.
Hope everyones well, miss you all! lotsa love xxxxxxxx
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