Currently in Krabi town (only here really to catch a flight to Kuala Lumpur on Friday)
So the Full Moon party was AWESOME! Every good word people say is so true and more..I didn't see any trouble (apart from poor Kylie's bag being slashed and having her purse stolen :( ) just lots of up for it people.. we made our own buckets to take on the speedboat over (which was awesome, so fast only took about 10/15 minutes to get to Ko Phangan from Koh Samui). They consist of samsong rum, red bull and coke.. i'm sure the redbull would be enough to get you through the night it's so strong!
Oh yeah, best bit, we went in fancy dress, as Thai boxers!! Every Thai person we met on the way over would be like 'heeey! muay tai! you like thai boxing yay!' We added to the fancy dress by finding lots of neon paint and decorating ourselves..I put a massive TRENT down my arm, shame it rubbed off because at the end of the night bumped into some more people from uni! excellent. Also bumped into James, the Aussie guys and the guys and girls we had met in Koh Tao. Quite odd considering there are thousands and thousands of people at this party.. One tip for anyone who wants to go in the future: Don't go in the sea! Ugh.
Laura and I got the speedboat home about 6am and saw the sunrise on our way back which was pretty beautiful. Hopefully my disposable camera will produce some decent photos of what was truly a QUALITY night.
The next day was spent in a haze catching up on everyones gossip and lazing by the glad I had booked an extra night at the resort! The day after I got the bus to Krabi at about 8am. Was meant to arrive at 4.30pm, but as you can imagine, didn't happen! We went from mini bus to bus. Bus to boat. Boat to bus. Bus to tiny taxi fitting 10 people with big backpacks. Tiny taxi to minibus. Minibus to bus. Finally, this would take us the majority of the journey. I got comfy, put on my ipod then realised that a LOT of people were getting on. Soon people were filling up the aisle. Then it was 3 people in 2 seats. Tiny Thai person seats. On a boiling hot bus. Awesome. So yeah, that was great, finally arrived at about 7pm, then got a taxi to this bungalow place that was the most awful room I've stayed in yet, I do not like sharing my room with bugs and I do not like my toilet covered in wee! Promptly moved to a lovely room this morning with aircon! And a TV! Aah..and only for 200baht more, which to me is money very well spent!
Today I mainly walked around Krabi, had a look at the shops and even phoned home for a bit which was nice. Decided that the town is way too boring to spend another day in, so I've booked myself on a small trip tomorrow to the rainforest to go elephant trekking and to visit some caves! Then I'm off the next day at midday to fly to Kuala Lumpur..which hopefully will be good fun. It's weird being on my own, but yesterday met an Austrian girl for dinner, but today I've had no luck..can't really eat anyway as ulcers have taken over my mouth! Mmmm, yummy!
At the moment I'm just so excited for Australia next Tuesday I can't think about much else. I'm hopefully going to see the girls again, and also meet up with a girl from school who is living over there. Oh and of course..........Neighbours. Sweeeeeeeeeet.
Anyway, it's got really dark all of a sudden so gonna get some water then head back to prep for tomorrow! Having to wear trainers for the first time in ages having worn flip flops for so long, it will be really weird! Hope they fit!
Lots of love! xxxxxxxxxxx
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