Wooo - Finally in Queenstown!!!!!! We left Wanaka after an AWFUL night with a snoring orchestra in my room! I had my iPod on full blast and I could still not block out the sound of 3 snoring guys!!!!! BAD TIMES! From Wanaka we went to PUZZLE WORLD - here there was a 3D maze which meant it had steps in aswell - you had to find all four corners then firnd your way out - it was VERY frustrating and I went round in circles ALOT but eventually conquered it!!!!! after the maze it as into the illusion rooms - first there were some strange optical illusions and 3D pictures with objects coming out of the frames, followed by a room with hundereds of faces which all looked like they were following you as you walked around - very spooky! Then there was a room which was tilted and there were all sorts of SKETCHY things in here - ball that appeared to be rolling up hill, water running uphill, a swing that didn't hang straight, steps that looked like you were tilted when you stood on them, a slide that went up hill - being in thes room made me feel quite ill! After Puzzle world it was pretty much a straight journey to Queenstwon with just a quick stop at a little fruit shop hat sold AMAZING ice cream - a choice of Vanilla, Frozen, Yoghurt, Cookies and Cream or Hokey Pokey (The stuff inside a crunchy bar) with a choice also of kiwi furit, mixed berries or banana which they then blended and piped into a cone! I had Hokey Pokey and banana, it was AMAZING really soft and creamy :) Straight to Queenstown now - first stop the Kawarau bridge the 1st commercial bungy site - I think their main aim was to make ANYONE thinking of doing a bungy VERY scared!!!!!! the Bridge jump looked pretty high and the one that I was going to do - the Nevis is 3 times as high! I am more scared than I was for my skydive. After this we had a group phot taken by the lake with beautiful snow capped mountains in the back ground. I can't believe I am doing a bungy tomorrow I also can't believe how fast my time in New Zealand is going!!!!!
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