Ok, so today I have established that my walking boots are NOT waterproof! Left Rotorua and made a short journey to the Agrodome where I saw a nation famous sheep show! It was pretty funny actually with 19 variteties of sheep - I hadn't realised until today what a freaky looking animal a sheep is! There were dogs running up and down the sheep's backs, sheep shearing, cow milking and some very sweet lambs. I was sat next to a VERY annoying american woman in a bright yellow cagool who kept trying to make me volunteer to get up on stage and asking me what the guy was saying because she couldn't hear - probably because you are talking love! After the sheep it was back on the road heading for Waitomo. We stopped at a supermarket to get lunch and supplies for dinner and when J.P. (the bus driver - previously Mr. New Zealand) went to start the bus again it wouldn't go into gear, we sat for about 20minutes while he was on the phone trying to figure out what was wrong! Eventually it juddered into gear and we were off hoping that we could jump all the red lights and get to Waitomo without stopping! This bus is very poorly - the DVD player doesn't work, the microphone is dodgy and the air vents rain on you when the bus turns a corner! It is now parked in the middle of the drive at this hostel as it wont start again! The weather was pretty horrible when we arrived but J.P. said he was going on a walk if we wanted to join him. A group of us gathered waiting and he said "Chage of plan, I can't come the bus isnt working" so we headed off without him and got VERY soggy! Now I have written a pretty long description of this rarther boring walk in my journal so I am going to summarise it for you! "A 40 minute walk" - we left at 3 and got back at 5.30 and we DIDN'T walk slow!!!!!! Millions of "cows" in a field - on closer inspection the were bulls - we walked through this field! Very cool push down gates. Squelchy feet, flooded backpack - reach destination to find the gate locked! Fun Day Out!!!!!! Funnily enough everyone who decided to brave the weather and go for the walk was British! Did you know that New Zealand only has one motorway!
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