This morning we started driving at 8.30 and headed to Nurenburg. Really pretty place we are here for 2 hrs so we have a roll for lunch Scott looks for a place to fix his watch some lovely Christmas decoration shops and wooden toy shops. Back on the bus heading for Prague. We cross over into the Czech border and our guide Christina explains how easy it is to cross now into all the EU countries. Any way we get a nice welcome when we are pulled over by the police it must have been nearly an hour we were stopped for so this put us behind schedule. Danos and Liz were very worried as they don't have their passports and were told the only time this could be a problem was if we got stopped by the police on the way to Prague. Danos hopped out of the bus and was looking at escape routes should it come to pass that Liz and he had to become fugitives. Anyway the police didn't seem interested in us passengers they only wanted to check on the driver. We arrive in Prague about 6.30 and have to leave at 7.00 to go to this dinner that we have booked for. We get there and the place is packed with tourist buses. They put on a show the food is Ok and we have a few beers and wines and head home. Prague looks very lovely and quite different to other places we have seen.
- comments
andrew davis Prague is magnificent Kath. Do yourself a favour and get to Prague Castle and also cross the old bridge into an arcade of quaint little shops that have everything. i did my best shopping in Prague and the Pilsner Urquell isn't a bad drop either.